Creator Studio

E4: In The Studio With Pedro Adao

Gary Henderson

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Today in the studio, I will discuss challenges with Pedro Adao. Pedro has completed over 72 life challenges and made over 40 million dollars in revenue over the last three to four years with challenges. 

Pedro shares how he went from a guy no one knew existed to one of the most sought-after guys in the info-marketing space who now works with people like Dean Graziosi, Grant Cardone, and Russel Brunson, who all use his challenge framework.

This episode got a little interesting, and if you know me, I like to keep it real…

When I was recording this episode, I got to experience a new struggle of recording with a live studio audience. You hear me think on the fly and keep things rolling until Pedro arrives in the studio. Pedro was running a few minutes late, and I had to figure out what to do when a guest runs late and you have a live audience of listeners waiting for the show to start.

Anyways, moving past my challenges, in this discussion, Pedro shares how he used to make money through snail mail and by mailing people postcards in the mail, how he was in Russel Brunsons ClickFunnels community for years, and paid for this software for two years before using it that he didn’t know how or when he was going to use it.

But, one day, he decided to build a funnel, learn how to run Facebook ads, and invite people to his workshop. This new marketing system skyrocketed his business, and he went from making $600,000 a year in commissions prior to making 1.1 million in commissions that year. With years and experience, he later made over 2.2 million dollars in 30 days, which got the attention of Dean Grasiosi and other top info-marketers in the info-marketing world. 

Pedro is passionate about challenges and wants to share everything he’s learned and knows about challenges with you. 

In this episode, Pedro and Gary discuss topics such as: 

  • Your identity
  • Why challenges work
  • Why challenges are easy
  • What it means to be part of a community 
  • How to know your identity, and how do you surround yourself with like-minded people
  • How to build a community and build an audience 
  • Why this challenges framework works for beginners and the top dogs 
  • How you can implement challenges 

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My name is Gary Henderson. And I built the creator studio to show you what's possible. Like today. I was so excited. We had Pedro Adao coming into the studio. It's just a rock star challenges. His last launch. He did 250,000. Opt-ins for his launch. Just such an insane quantity of people. Like bigger than I've ever seen before. But let me tell you what happened. So we were scheduled for the interview. We do these live in our community, right? All the creators get access. We're doing it live. I've got 35 people hanging out with me. We're listening to some music. We're having a good time. And it comes time for Pedro. So I look at my clock and I'm like there's no Pedro. So I sent him a message we're connected on Voxer I sent him a message and I'm like, I'd sent him a message, like maybe 20 minutes early and just, we do these in discord just to make sure he was okay. And he could get in. Didn't hear back from him. So I'm like, oh shit, what do I do? What do I do? So I messaged him and I was like, Hey, let me know if you have any questions. Here's my cell phone number. I was like, shit, he's not responding. What do I do? I've got 35 people here. Now we're listening to music. It's about seven minutes after the interview was supposed to start. No Pedro. At text, my wife and I'm like, I don't know what to do here. She's like you got any ideas? And I was like, Nope, I'm going to figure something out. So 12 minutes after it was supposed to start, I come off, Mike, we're listening to music. I scaled the music back. And I tell everybody I'm like, look. I'm going to tell you what's happening. We build live here. We build in public. I've never had this happen before we have Pedro Adao as scheduled. I'm excited. You're excited. And. We don't have Pedro. There is no Pedro. I have texted him. I have emailed him and I haven't heard back from him. And about that time. I got a message from him that said, I'm so sorry. My meeting ran late. I'm on my way. And I said, no troubles. Come on in. So we came in and we got started about 17 minutes late. But let me tell you, we spent about 35 or 40 minutes going through some of the most insane content of why challenges work. Why they actually work? Why it's easy. And Pedro, he said a word to me that just. It just screamed. I wrote it on my notepad. I circled it. I underlined it. And he said, identity. See, we talked about Russell Brunson and we talked about ClickFunnels. And we talked about the identity of a funnel hacker. And what it means to be part of a community. So if you're building a community, you're building. An audience you want to build a community. You want to build an audience. Go ahead and grab your pen and paper. Give the show a follow and let's jump straight into the studio with Pedro.


You and I haven't got a ton of time to connect. We bumped into each other a little bit on Clubhouse, and I've been a fan of yours and following you for a while as I started reaching out to people. Like I, I'm excited about people, but personally to learn. I'm real excited to learn from you because it seems like everywhere I look right now, it's challenge. It's challenge. It's challenge. It's like one of the hottest strategies. It's working like crazy. Everyone's using it and you're the guy who came up with it. So I, I did a bunch of research and, I went back to 2011. I went back through your journey, but I'd really love to start at the time in 2018. I'd like to go to let's jump back about five years. Let's go to 2018. You're doing no money in online sales. You've come through some struggles. You've come through a part of your journey, and you step into this world of doing online business. Why online business? Why did you step to the


internet at that point? Yeah, man, great question. Okay, so basically how I actually was already doing something online, but it wasn't anything like in this info space. So I used to be a financial professional. I was running a brick and mortar financial services business. I had an office and I got, I was doing direct mail. I was doing direct mail, dinner, retirement seminars, right? So if I was literally spending a ton of money on old snail mail. Postcards and stamps. Inviting, inviting people that are 55 and over to come to a nice restaurant in their town or in, near them. And it was, Hey, come to a free retirement, workshop at this restaurant. So basically, I was doing that and spending a ton of money on mailers and on stamps and on buying all these people free dinner. And I would do a financial presentation, then I would give them a chance to book an appointment with me. They'd come to my office and actually, become a client. And as crazy as it sounds, this was now 2000 and 15, which is, what is that? Seven years ago? Eight years ago. As crazy as sounds in 2015 that you could still make a great living, sending people postcards in the mail and then having them come to a restaurant and that would be profitable. What's even crazier is that still works today. There are still billions of dollars of financial assets being moved with that old school of a model. But I was like, this is crazy. So at that time I just felt, let's write a book. I wrote a book called Retired and Free, and I was like, you know what? This is not I wanna do something different. I don't want to be like, I felt like a timeshare salesman, so I'm like, this is not, it's not the most edified, it's hard to get people to believe you that you're like this financial expert when you are doing like a timeshare pitch before a free dinner. And yet it's still incredibly effective. But I was like, nah, this, I wanted something different. So I I wrote a book called Retired and Free, and then I just, I ran a marketing kind of program called Meet like a meet the author night. So I be, I built the funnel. I was in Russell Brunson's, ClickFunnels community. For years I was paying for ClickFunnels. I this marketing software, I had no idea how to use it or when I would ever use it. I'm learning about online marketing. I bought a couple courses, never did anything for a couple years, but finally I'm like, you know what? I'm gonna build one of those funnel things and I'm gonna learn Facebook ads, and I'm gonna use Facebook ads in a funnel to invite people to my meet the Author Financial workshop. And instead of trying to offer them a free meal, I'm gonna offer them a free copy of my book before it's even available. So I launched that entirely. Brand new marketing system exploded my business. Like we went from 600,000 a year prior in commissions to think over close to 1.2 million that year. I think I was one of the first guys in the country. I'm not saying I was the absolute first one that was for sure, one of the first guys in the nation. In the financial space, which is usually like a decade behind the rest of the world. I was actually using online marketing, Facebook ads and funnels to grow their business. So I was already familiar with funnel and Facebook ads cause of my financial business. And then in like in May of 2018, when through a series of kind of random events, I'm a spiritual guy and a faith-based guy. So I said that God tricked me into doing this. I felt led just to go teach some things I had learned about about business and some principles I was following. So I, without knowing it, I did my first ever free challenge, not even knowing I was doing a challenge in May of 2018. So I knew how to build a funnel, I knew how to run ads. So I ran, I run, I ran about$3,000 of paid ads. I. Inviting people to this free masterclass. I had no plans on selling anything. No plans on making an offer. I just really felt led to teach what I had learned and pay it forward. Cuz I was super grateful to be making money again. Had my biggest year and, I went through a very hard time, 10, 12 years ago, broke, bankrupt, lost everything was millions in the hole. So it just felt great to, a decade later be like, really doing well in life again. And Lord, that I know that people would love that training so much. They would basically beg me to keep going and continue training them. And so we ended up launching a, our, my first ever info product. It was, and the rest, as they say is history. I didn't know I was creating a new challenge marketing method. Didn't know, I just kept running it, involving it. It and that company went on to do multiple seven figures. And then COVID hit, I did a ch, I did a ch a Monster challenge. I did over 2 million in revenue in 30 days. That got the attention of Dean Graziosi and other huge marketers and the info marketing world. And they began asking me for help. And then and then it was almost like one week to the next, I went from a guy that nobody knew existed to kind of one of the most sought after, marketing guys in the space. And this challenge marketing system really has taken over the internet. Like it just really has in a huge way. It's, it really has changed the game in so many ways. And it's super cool to have that hap have happened even though I wasn't even trying to do that. So that's just a little bit about backstory. I've run over 72 Life challenges now. Garrity, we've done close to. Over 40 million in revenue in the last three or four years with challenges. And people like Dean Grasiozi and Tony Robbins are using my framework. Grant Cardone, Russell Brunson, the biggest names in business and in in our online space, are using my challenge framework when they're doing the biggest launches of their year. And the other cool thing about it, Gary, and I'll come back to you, is this challenge marketing system is also the easiest framework for beginners to finally have success with online. And very rarely do you find a marketing method or framework that works as well for beginners as it does for the biggest guys in the space. And that's exactly what this challenge system allows. So that's just some opening thoughts, man. I'll throw it back to you Gary.


I think that's absolutely wonderful. And, thanks for getting us up to speed. I. A couple of things that really stood out to me is it's 2018, you are in financial services, you are innovative, right? You're innovative, you doing this model which we all know, you have these dinners and you invite people, but then you get innovative and you go do something online. You start running Facebook ads, you write a book you start to innovate. So how long were you in the ClickFunnels community before you took some action and actually started to use


what you were I don't, I think it was probably two years. It was probably two years, which is crazy. I was paying, I don't know,$97 a month or 37 a month. I don't know. I'm paying for this software, I'm not even logging in. I don't even know how to, where to, how to build a funnel or never use a funnel. But I'm just, I just felt like one day I would use this and I just didn't know why I felt that, but I just did. So I, so literally guys like. Maybe that's you. You're like, man, I'm paying for these software platforms. I'm doing all this stuff. I have no idea what I'm do doing here or why I'm here. I was kinda like that. And then just, boom, there came the moment where I got, I had, I was like, oh, and now I see where I can use this. It was probably two years, Gary, just paying for the ClickFunnels and monthly and buying, buying a course here, buying a course there. I was just intrigued by this, by marketing. I just love the concept, but because I was in a very old school industry, I never thought, I never get to apply it. Yeah.


It's interesting to me because you took two years at your own pace. You knew you wanted to do it. You made the commitment financially, you bought it because your desire to succeed was there. You wanted to use it, but it took you two years to take action. And that's just that gap. As a business owner, as a marketer, I think that gap we lose a lot. The moment that you said, yes, I want to step into ClickFunnels, and then as a marketer and a business owner, how do we keep you engaged for those two years? You're not logging in, you're not doing anything. It was your faith in your belief in what you could do in the fact that you thought ClickFunnels could help you with that at some point in time in the future, you needed to probably build some more faith in yourself and believe that you could do it. But using the software and that's, it's just fascinating to me that two year gap there. It's something that's really hard to track or to quantify. Cookies aren't lasting two years, nothing lasts two years. I could


tell you when, that's just really interesting. So one is, I had a general interest in marketing in the topic. I was learning a lot from Russell Brunson already I don't know if it was, I was, showing up on his webinars and stuff. So I felt like I was learning a lot from Russell. And maybe not paying for it. So I felt like by having ClickFunnels, I there was like reciprocity that Russell had built with me, plus the thing that Russell has done better than any software company. And that's why he, that's why ClickFunnels is still, the biggest, platform in the space is Russell has built a community and a culture around the product that, that Infusionsoft keep doesn't have that no one else has. There's, I gotta imagine that ClickFunnels is not the ultimate end all be all best software like tit for tat, right? I'm sure there's maybe technically, plat platform or two out there that may be a little bit better here, a little better there and some maybe argue a lot better. But guess what? Those companies don't hold the, are nowhere near the size of ClickFunnels because Russell understood. And he wasn't just selling software, he was creating a movement. He was building community and enrolling people. And in this, giving them a new identity. I'm a funnel hacker and that's crazy powerful. And I'm not, you think I'm the only guy that spent two years paying for ClickFunnels before I ever launch? I absolutely not. There's people who have probably been paying for five, seven that will never cancel because their identity is, I'm a funnel hacker. They're wearing the t-shirts, they're coming to the events. They'll have never run a funnel, probably might never, but they just they're glad they're happy to pay that membership because that allows them to hold onto an identity and be part of a community and is giving them something. That is valuable to them. Even if it's just, think about network marketing, Gary, which maybe a lot of us have had a stint in network marketing. We know statistically that 90, what 99, 90 8% of people would, some very high number of people never make any real money in network marketing. Why don't ev why don't they all quit? Because they're getting other benefits. They're getting personal development training for free essentially. Now they have a lot of friendships in there. They have community, they've got connection. They're, they've got, like they're now they have a social network. There's all kinds of reasons people buy stuff and stay around stuff. And making money is just one of those reasons. And if we're actually really being honest and self-aware, for most people, that's not even their most important driver. I didn't want to go too deep on that tangent, but that is the one thing that I think Russell has done better than any other software company I've seen. I think you're right.


And you're totally right. People are, they're tied to the identity. They wanna be a funnel hacker. They believe in the dream. They keep paying for the software because if they cancel they're letting go of the dream. They're gonna take action tomorrow. People want a lot more than they, they do. A friend of mine, Rob Moore, he always says when all is said and done, more is said than done. It's just such a great he didn't invent it. He says it, and he has a British accent. He runs the the largest real estate coaching company in the uk and he has a British accent. And what he says that I'm, Rob is


that is so good because it's, when all is said and done, more is said than done that. When all is said and done, dude, that's freaking gold. Yep. More


is said than done. That's true. And that's, that's the info marketing space, that's the gym, that's your faith. That's almost everything. It's, we say so much more than we actually do. Oh.




it's just fascinating. That's the human condition


to kind that is that is part of the human condition. And that's when you're building something I don't, I'm not even sure who your audience all is. And so maybe this is, you can get me back on track. But if you're building something, building a company, building a product, building an offer, you're serving people and you're, maybe you, maybe you're a coach, a consultant, like you're trying to give people a result, an outcome, a transformation of breakthrough. If you actually have a heart and you really care about your people, right? We want everybody to win. Like anybody who buys my cr, my challenge training course, I want all them to crush it. And I'm holding nothing back. I'm like, here is everything you need to crush this. Here's how you design your challenge. Here's how you come up with the headline. Here's what you should teach. Literally, like it's all right there. And yet you think a hundred percent of my students are making millions of challenges. No, of course not. No. Could they? Absolutely they could. And yet, so that's just the human, that's just the human condition. Like nothing is a hundred percent. Harvard is not a hundred percent. People go to Harvard and then don't graduate. They drop out, they just, ah, nevermind. So nothing is a hundred percent. And yet I think as a course creator, as a trainer, as a mentor, someone who's helping people go next level. Obviously my heart is to do all I can to help as many as possible. But you're right, unfortunately It's all said and done. More is said than done because it's easier to talk than to show up. But man, if you're willing to show up, if you're willing to show up, I've got a heck of a marketing system. It is that allows you to show up and show people what you can do because you can try and talk. You can try and tell someone what, how awesome you are, and you can talk about yourself and brag on yourself and try to convince them with your words. But why don't you just show them how awesome you are in a five day challenge. So I call it taste and sea marketing. It's like Costco. You never go to Costco, Gary on a Saturday morning and they got like all those free samples. You ever do that or have that happen?


They're amazing. Yeah. You gotta go when you're hungry. You gotta go at the right times so the food's fresh. There you go. But definitely Gary, if you plan it Sam Club


Costco, right back to back. Any sample that you had zero plans on buying that day. Okay.


100% almost every single time. Okay? So this is another, I dunno how


that just a, the, I can boil down to this principle taste and see, let someone taste of you, experience you get to know you see get, have them. We talk about no and trust, challenges let people know and trust you. Like no other marketing method. They get to know you now. You're sharing your personality. They're getting to see you, experience you. They get to, I love the book by Stephen Covey, the Speed of Trust it talked about that you can trust is created through both competency and character, and isn't business nothing more than just two people. Isn't, business to me is nothing more than how can you create trust, enough trust to garner rush transaction. And so if business is nothing more than looking to build trust to transact in any business that can create trust faster, has a competitive advantage. And I've never seen a way to build trust faster online than with my five day framework. Because you can just show them just like a sample. I could tell you how amazing this cooking is, Gary, but if I let you have one bite, you're like, oh, okay, that's good. Gimme the bag. It's game over. So our, my entire marketing premise of this framework is built around, Costco samples. So you're like, ah, this guy's a hypee marketer. This guy's full of crap. This doesn't work. Okay, lemme ask you a question. Have you ever gone to Costco or Sam's Club and bought something that you sampled, that you had no plans on buying? If you say, yes, I got you game over. You have to at least see what this is and try it. It's so


simple and it makes so much sense and it almost guarantees you're gonna get your ideal customer too. Because if they taste it and they don't like it, then it's just not the right fit for them. It's just not right. But if they taste it and they love it, they're not gonna go home and say it doesn't taste the same at home. It does. It's exactly the, you


already gave them a sample, which, so obviously like we're not all, nobody here is everyone's. We're not gonna be everyone's cup of tea, right? So we all probably know that by now. We're all adults, right? So the people that don't like you, and I can assure you that there's a lot of people that don't like me, right? I'm very passionate. I get very loud, I'm very animated. I'm just a lot like I am extra in so many ways and that, but that's who I am. I'm not putting on a show. It's just who I am. So some people by day two, some folks on day one are like, Nope. I like, nope, this is not it. This guy is not my jam. This guy is cray. Z some people need four days to figure out that I'm not their jam, right? But at, but by the, but nobody, by day five, if you're still showing up, you're with me. Like you're my people. And so what's so nice about using this model is I have such a low refund rate, or so few complaints and refunds and drama. Because the people that are gonna eventually get annoyed with by me don't ever buy. So I never have to deal with any problems really. So that's a huge benefit of this framework is you sort out the not the great fits up front for the become customers. I love that.


So Pedro, I know what a challenge is, and obviously you know what a challenge is, but why don't we just break down what is a challenge, why does it work, and what's the core premise around your framework? Like, why is your framework so special?


Yeah. So why not invent? What did you figure out through challenges? The online challenge but I, but much like Chick-fil-A didn't invent the chicken sandwich, they just perfected it. That's what I did with challenges, right? So I didn't even know what a challenge was, so I was not like trying to take something and make it better. I just, honestly, Gary, I just, my heart was just how can I serve and help in as much value as possible through, through marketing and online? And there's this thing called Zoom and Facebook. And so that's, so all of this really just came one little innovation at a time by me just trying to do more and serve more and add more value. But a challenge is essentially the challenge is essentially a it's a, it's an online event. It's an online event. But instead of being an event for three days all day or being at an all day, one day workshop my core framework is a five day challenge. So it's like I'll go live, live training, live in a Facebook group, live on Zoom. Could be done live on YouTube, depending, it could be, live, we could do a challenge here in Discord, right? You just go live somewhere and I, my, my framework is live, it's a live framework. It starts to like I'm doing a big one next week. It's right challenge It's starts May 15th. It's a five day challenge. I will be really live for real, me and Russell Brunson training live for real, May 15th, 9:00 AM Pacific boom. And we're gonna stream that into, we're hosting that challenge in a private Facebook group, right? And we're gonna give you an hour of amazing content. It's a free challenge, an hour a day over those five days. And so it's live it's highly actionable training. People are coming into a challenge expecting to what? Be challenged. So this, it's very different than just consuming content, watching YouTube videos, watching free content. Because if you're watching free content and you're just like, you're, you haven't given the trainer any permission to challenge you, to coach you, to push you. But when you step into a, when you send up for a five day challenge, or a 10 day challenge, then you should expect to be challenged. And so every day after our training, we're gonna give you an assignment to do. We're gonna assign you something to do because we, because of the saying that you said, right? And it's all said and done. There's more said than done. Guess what? If all of what you want in your life, This is gonna be, it is gonna come on the back of some action. So we're gonna give you a smaller step to take a small I call it like a, I'm gonna give you a bite sized piece of homework to do that day, to give you a micro win that day so you can accomplish something each day. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. And so literally our, that's where a five day challenge is. It's live training. It's about an hour a day, actionable training. You give them an assignment every day. People complete the assignment. They're getting micro wins and they're just take, and they're just getting more they're building their confidence. They're building up their belief, they're actually getting stuff done. And then you're helping them get into momentum. On this project, this initiative, a challenge is very specific, focused on one outcome, right? So you could do a Discord challenge. It could be like how to, it's the right? It's the five and five discord challenge. How to get your first five members on Discord in five days or less, right? It can be all about to launch a new discord group and get your first five members, right? Or we can do, but it's it's specific to one outcome you're promising them and deliver them one outcome over those five days. We all know that we're living in a most, in a very distracted time in our lives where, everybody can use help focusing. So a challenge focuses on a one outcome. One objective live daily training for, at least three, five days, right? Could be longer. You have'em, get a micro win and then at the end of the challenge it's simple. It's Hey guys. If you would like more, if you want to go deeper, if you want to continue getting help from me, I've helped you accomplish this, I helped you get your Discord group up. It's open. I helped you come up with a cool name for it and a theme for your discord group or channel, whatever this thing is here, and you got your first five members. That's awesome. Congratulations. Today is the last day of our challenge, and so today could be the end of something or it could be the beginning of something. How many of you would love to get some more help from me to get you from five members to 5,000 members? Okay, great. Let me share with you guys how we'd want to help you do that. Boom. And now just introduce your offer, introduce your program. Hey, if you'd like more, here's where you get more. Boom. It's just that simple. And that a nutshell like Gary, that's the framework that it's, and the cool thing about it, you don't have to be some super slick marketer. You don't gonna be some expert copywriter. You don't have to be this amazing pitch person, bro. Just show up and freaking help people get an outcome over five days. And they're, and then just be like, Hey, do you want to keep going? Would you like more help? They're gonna be like yeah. It's just simple. And so if you suck at marketing, you don't have expert level marketing skills. You don't think you're this amazing wiz bank salesperson, but you actually care about people, and you're good at what you do. And you can create an outcome. Dude, this is your framework. This is your, this is like hallelujah. Like here's something that you can actually do. So anyhow. In a nutshell, Gary, that's the gist of what a challenge is. It makes,


like you said, it was easy and it's so easy because you want as many people as possible to get to the end and get the result. You're not trying to say, let's do this challenge and I'm, it's bootcamp and I'm gonna get 99% of you to fail and you're not gonna win. And the 1%, you're gonna be the elite of the elite. You're trying to say, look, we can all do this together. Let's go on the journey together. Let's go on the path together. Let's help each other out. Let's show up and support each other. And then at the end it's don't you want to keep going with us? You don't want to leave all your friends, we're gonna go, we want to do this again. We wanna keep growing together. Let's all grow together around the concept of using challenges or, growing your discord server or doing yoga or getting, healthier or whatever. That


cool. Okay. So if I can just get a little bit how does this impact, if you understand, like the value ladder, right? If you understand the typical marketing value letter, like you have something free, then you have something inexpensive, like a low ticket trip wire,$7, or maybe$37,$97 offer. And then you have another like maybe course or core offer of a thousand, 2000. Then you got like your high ticket thing, right? Think about a typical kind of information marketing value ladder. There could be three or four levels, right? Like your free thing, your low price thing, your medium price thing, and your high price thing. Basically, until I showed up with this framework, here's how this worked. To give away your free thing, you gotta go build a lead magnet funnel. Now you gotta create a product or some resource or something that's super cool that people actually want. Then you gotta build a funnel for it. Then you gotta go get ads and run a bunch of ads to it to spend money to give away a free thing, to get an email to. Then hope to email them to death and get them to buy something from you later. Okay? Very difficult to pull off. Then what? Then listen, you've got that good. Now you gotta go build another separate funnel to sell your low price thing, right? Whether it's called a tiny offer funnel or a trip wire funnel, it's a whole, then you gotta create another product for that, another funnel. Hope that works. Okay? Oh, now you wanna sell your core offer. Okay, now you gotta do a webinar. So now you gotta go write a webinar. Learn how to write webinars. Be a great salesperson on a webinar. Go get a webinar on the convert. Oh, and then you wanna sell high ticket. Okay, now you gotta go build an application funnel. So before I showed up, like real talk with my framework, you would have to have four separate funnels. Get them all to work to basically be able to grow your list and grow each one of your tiers in your value letter. And no wonder most people never had any success online. So I come along with my challenge model and here's how it works. Scrap all of it. I was able to go from$0 in sales online to eight figures, document it, have the proof, have the stripe, like from$0 online in 18 to eight figures in 2020. And to this day, I've only run challenges. And I've only run live challenges. I haven't even evergreened this yet. Like I don't have a lead magnet funnel. I don't have a webinar funnel, I don't have a tripwire funnel. I don't have. All I have is one funnel. It's a challenge funnel because a free challenge is the best lead magnet you could ever create. And then when you're running your free challenge, why don't you offer them a chance to upgrade to V I P for$37 or$97? Boom, there's your trip wire. Then you run your challenge at the back of your challenge, boom. Offer'em your core program. And then when they buy your core program on the thank you page, why not say this, wanna work with me personally and have them apply to then get on a sales call with you and you can sell'em your high ticket program. So literally you can try to get four funnels to work or just get good at my framework and your build your list and build every segment of your business at the same time with one framework. And That's how I was able to do this. That's how I was able to go from a guy that nobody knew, industry outsider, to within like less than a year, like sitting at the table with Dean Graziosi, Tony Robbins, like Evan Pagan, Roland Frazier, Ryan Dice, like the biggest markers on the planet. Like I went from someone that nobody knew to now I'm their peer. These guys were like, where the hell did you come from? How did you do this? And then, and I showed him this, and now that now they do it all too. And With the dating thing, when he was like the, back in the day of his dating thing, is that LA is that how, that's Evan Pagans


story too, right? Do you know that? Yeah. So Evan's a former client of mine as well. And. He locked himself in the room. He was David D'Angelo. Both of his companies are former clients. So both the dating side and the business side, and locked himself in the room, got results in dating, made a ton of money, and then reached out to everybody and said, let me show you what I did. And everybody was like, do what? He was, and he was at the table with the Jeff Walkers and all the people. Didn't anybody,


because he show you


what I did. Let me show you what I did. That's


what you did. What I did. You went And I just thought all those guys were crushing it. Cause those guys are heroes. They were heroes to me. I had their books on my shelves. I didn't think I had anything special. I thought they were all crushing it. But when they heard about my numbers and what I was doing they're like, they're the ones that came after me. And Evan Evan was a huge, Evan had me come speak and his visioneers mastermind like. That was one of the first groups I spoken, and that's when a lot of people, I mean it, it's crazy, Gary, in one week I got asked to speak in three of the most l like legit internet marketing masterminds, which coincidentally we're all meeting that week, which I don't, I think that was just total coincidence. So Joe Polish has the Genius network RO Ryan Dyes, Roland Frazier, Perry Belcher had the war room, which was digital marketer and Evan Pagan had Visioners. And for some reason they all had a meeting that week. And for some reason, all of them asked me to speak and train in their masterminds that week. So in one week you talk about coming out of the closet, like being discovered. I went from that was my Cinderella. That was my Cinderella moment. I was like, I was, I went in Cinderella, like no one knew who I was. And then within one week I was like the hot chick at the dance. And everybody, I had people, heroes, legendary marketers, blowing up my phone, begging to get time with me. And I'm like, what is it? Is this even real? It's been a, it's been a while. Journey, man. And guys, I wanna encourage you, man, like 12 years ago, man, I was broke, busted. I'm my real estate investment company. Just went under I was in 3 million in the hole. The friends and family, like I was depressed, suicidal, begging God to not let me wake up. I honestly believed that I had no value from my wife, from my kids. I had no value left to give this world. I was sincerely like, I was just, I was too scared to kill myself. I was just too chicken to kill myself, but I didn't wanna live anymore. That was like, literally like 10, 12 years ago. And to now fast forward to what's happening in the last five years, I'm just as surprised as anyone else. And I just wanna encourage you guys this is a framework, this is a marketing method that anybody can do. I know that just sounds so hyping, marketers just say the dumbest crap. But I'm telling you guys I'm just like, I just wish you would believe me. Anybody can do this. If you just ha you just, if you care about people, you want to serve people and help, actually help them solve problems, give them a transformation. Like this system can be used to launch your business, grow your business, and help you create a life that is just beyond your wellness imagination. I don't even, it's. If you would've told me 10 years ago, Hey, man, don't feel so bad. I know you just, went broke and I know your life sucks now, but all of years from now, you're gonna work with Dean Graziosi, Tony Robbins, Russell Brunson, you're gonna be a pioneer of a brand new marketing framer. You're gonna have a beach house in Newport Beach and his second house over here, and you're gonna da. I'm gonna literally said, you are, can I please have whatever drugs you're smoking? I if someone told me my life what it is today, 12 years ago, I would tell you it was impossible. And it, and it would've been impossible if for no other fact that it actually happened. So technically because it happened, it's not impossible. And yet guys like in. Man, I just wanna encourage somebody today, man. Like I, I know, I don't even know who's on this thing. Or maybe these are a bunch of like crypto gazillionaires and but man, yeah, go ahead. Somebody


that we do. You said you don't tell you somebody this year. I think I know this story. We have someone in our community and she's really special to us. She's been here for a while and she had never been on an airplane ever. Yep. So she was here hanging out with us and she told us that she was gonna go to your event and she was gonna fly out to California and she was going to get to see the ocean for the very first time ever. And she's here. Yeah. So we have. Melanie that's here that used to work for me. And when I ran my agency, we worked with people like Lewis Howes and Jeff Walker and Gabby Bernstein, and Dr. Ax and Michael Hyatt. And Melanie helped me run all that. Now, Melanie does work for a lot of those same names running her own agency. So we have, startup entrepreneurs from all over the world that are here trying to build their brands. They want to build an empire. They want to, make money as a creator. They want just be creative. They wanna have fun, they want it to be easy, they wanna live a really cool life. So that's our audience here. So some people that you know, and, but yeah, man, that's don't have a


lot of familiar faces. That's one of my favorite stories of some of the work that we've been able to do. And yes it's good to see April in here. But yeah, guys, for real, I don't know. Like I said, I just want to encourage some people today And I enjoy. And I would say if you're curious about, wanna learn more about me, wanna learn more about this marketing framework join me. We're doing a challenge next week. It's called it's challenge Absolutely free. Russell Brunson who Russell Brunson was running challenges lo before I was, he was running a paid challenge and then just saw what happened with me, my business and my career. And he's dude what are you doing? How's this work? And so he had me help him with his first free challenge. And and so like next week I'm flying a Boise Auto. I'll be in ClickFunnels headquarters with Russell Brunson. We're doing this challenge together with the entire online marketing industry. This is not, Russell's not an affiliate for this. Russell asked me to come in, let's do this together. And yeah, man, you're gonna see this whole thing, the whole playbook next week. What is a challenge? Why does it work? How to go about how to what you should sell on the back of the challenge. What name to give, how to come up with a big idea for your challenge, how to get people there for free to show up in your challenge. is where you gotta register.

What an amazing session with Pedro Adao. Oh, it was definitely worth the wait. He's done 72 challenges. He's at a challenge generate 250,000. Opt-ins. And he's made millions of dollars off of them. He shared his simple five day. Free challenge strategy. One outcome over five days. Micro wins one little bite at a time. And he talked about the identity piece. And where he identified as a funnel hacker and you and I, we identify as creators. Such a fascinating conversation. We're four episodes in we've got Jesse Lee and Rachel Miller. We've got Russ Ruffino. We've got so many insane guests coming up on the podcast. Make sure you hit the follow button. Make sure you hit the follow button. If you're enjoying this. Leave us a review. Go to the bottom, leave us a review. Let us know what you think. And last, but definitely not least. If you identify as a creator, Come and join our community. I'll get you an email out every week, letting you know all of our guests. You can get directly into the studio. If you want to come in live, you can share your wins with us. You can introduce yourself, you can share everything that's going on. I can't wait to meet you in our community. It's

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