Creator Studio

E5: In The Studio With Michael Fabber

Gary Henderson

In this new episode, Gary talks with Michael Fabber. Michael is a speaker and author who makes events easy, and his #1 mission is to help end suicide and help people know that there is a way out.

He says, "The opposite of addiction is connection."

Michael discusses how he was able to make it out of the darkest and lowest points of his life when he lost both his brother and his best friend to suicide and was even suicidal himself to selling decks of cards starting from 1,500 dollars to 3,000 a pop. 

Gary and Michael discuss how he doesn't believe in hard selling, and the sweet spot is when you think you are connecting with people or to something bigger than yourself. He believes that when people feel like they are a part of something and aren't being sold, that's when they'll want to be there.  

In this episode, Michael and Gary discuss topics like: 

  • Human Behavior 101: Connecting to something greater
  • The power of identity
  • The impact of events
  • How to create an offer that's a no brainer
  • When no one will let you on their stage, build your own
  • How to make over 50,000 dollars by selling a deck of cards
  • Creating significant income and a big impact
  • Why you should surround yourself with people who want to see you win
  • How to live a life full of purpose
  • How getting in the right room with the right people can change your life

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My name is Gary Henderson, and I built the creator studio to show you what's possible. I look today, we've got Michael Fabber coming into the studio. And it was an absolutely insane session. I didn't really know what to expect. I had met Michael. In clubhouse. I had been watching Michael from a distance he's full of energy, but I didn't know what to expect. Let me tell you three things that I took away from the session. I'm gonna get you prepped to jump in here. So Michael shared yet again, if you've been following along the power of identity. And he shared what the identity of his community is. He talked about how no one would let him on their stages. So he went and built his own stages. And then he shared with us how he's made. Over$50,000. Selling a deck of cards. So look, I built a studio to show you what's possible. And if that doesn't show you what's possible, then I don't know what I'm doing here. So go ahead and hit the follow on the show. I don't want you to miss any of our episodes and let's jump straight into the studio with Michael.

Gary Henderson:

I've been watching Michael Fabber on the I've been watching you on Facebook and you just have this personality. You got a huge beard. If you look at the graphic that we put together, like huge beard, just a huge personality of success. And when I saw a post, oh man, it was probably a week ago that Michael posted on Facebook and he said, look, I'm gonna be winning a lot, and if you're not comfortable with seeing me win, you should go ahead and unfriend me because I'm gonna share my wins when I win. And when Michael posted that I didn't unfriend him, I actually went and turned on the notification so I could cheer all the wins on with him, because that's the same type of person that I am too. So when I started to think about how do we put together a group of people in the studio that will help creator see what's possible, I leaned into everyone I could think of that was doing really cool stuff. And Michael's been able to fill a event that's gonna come up next fall. He's already sold 75 to 80 seats in the event, which is just phenomenal. He has a huge mission and a huge why around why he's building this. And he just exudes positivity. So welcome to the studio, Michael. How are you?

Michael Fabber:

Thank you, brother. That was a lot of kind words, man. I appreciate it. Hopefully I live up to that. Dude, I'm honored to be here, brother, with your community and you you been connected for a couple years. I love what you're doing. I love how you try to add value and help people and serve people. You're really a servant leader. You step forward and you've done it with me, and I've seen you do it with numerous other people where you help and you add without asking for anything in return. It was an honor that you would even ask me. It's my pleasure to be here and hopefully I can add some value and help out today as you do too many.


Thank you for coming. I'm gonna start today with this question. So my mom and dad got divorced when I was a kid, and I don't remember much about my dad. I remember, the recliner. I remember he liked Star Wars or Star Trek, one of those things. I don't remember much, but what I do remember is that he always asked me this question and he said, why? And every time I would say something, he would just say, why? And he would just ask me why and why. And I always had to articulate my reason. So you've got this big mission, you've got this big vision, but why are you doing this, Michael? What's driving you? I.


That's a great question. Your dad invented the seven layers deep before it even happened. That's dope. It's a great question too. It really makes us dive into the heart or the inner part, which is the most important part of us. Why am I doing this? Is cuz I want to end suicide and self behavior. Why that matters to me is my brother is one of the 22 the day that served the country that took his own life. He did that in the early nineties. And then in 2011, one of my best friends took his own life. And in the middle of that I lost numerous people to drugs and to life way too early. And I want people to know there's a way out that you have value, you're worth being here and you're important. And that it gets better. It's all worth it. I'm just gonna make it worth it.


Yeah. I love that it's these very personal moments that impacted you, that you saw as an opportunity to take and help others. It's. Suicide's absolutely crazy. It's been an underlying theme. You are the fifth guest we've had into the studio. We've had Pedro Ayo, which he's like the challenge king. He shared that he was never brave enough to do it, but there were moments, many moments that he didn't wanna live. We had Tom Ward into the studio and he shared about being suicidal. We had Dennis U and then we had John Mullo, and there's this heavy sense of struggle across all five of the guests that promise you it wasn't planned, but it's this heavy sense of struggle and personal commitment, and now this bigger mission and belief. Why does that, why do you think that happens?


I think a certain degree we have to be tested. After my buddy passed I got into drugs pills and alcohol and was in Lewis Beach with a gun in my mouth and a picture of my daughter fell in my pocket and that's the reason why I didn't do it. Then it's a crazy story after that. But man, sometimes I think we all get tested. I think we all develop thick skin. We all go through life, right? And it's all different for all of us. But the feelings a lot are the same that with within battle that we don't know, right? Is this all it's gonna be, right? Is this all that life has to offer? Sometimes when we get stuck in the mess that's all we can see. That's all we can feel. And that tests us. One of the hardest things for me was to get comfortable in that, get comfortable in the test, to get comfortable feeling that way. Cuz typically when, if you can get through feeling that way, something's amazing is about to happen. And we just have to get through that after you can feel it at a certain level, I think you want to help others, not have to feel it as deep as you have.


I think that really hits home. I'm watching in the chat and many people are saying that I literally have tears going down my face because I think that's when it feels like when you feel that so deep, you wanna help others not go through that that just really hits home. Michael you had this drive, this passion. How are you carrying this energy? It's like when I look at like your social posts, when I look at, it's just so much energy inside of you. Where does all the energy come from?


We asked my mom, I come from adhd and yeah, someone said like Louis Beach, Delaware. Yes. Like Louis Beach, Delaware. In the chat. I just saw that, sorry. Man, I've always had this I don't know, I would say drive, but like this, I wanna live, I wanna fully experience life. I wanna celebrate life. And now I'm living in purpose. And when you live in purpose, that creates this passion. Like I'm obsessed about it. I always laugh when people talk about balance, and I'm like, yeah, I don't know what balance is really. I just do the things that I prioritize that I really care about that makes me feel alive, that makes me feel loved. It makes me feel like I'm here for a reason. So to me, I think when you find purpose, passion is just natural, right? That energy is just natural when you're really doing what you're here to do, what you feel called to do. I think it just comes from within that heart, that gut, like universal instinct thing.


I think it's right and I, I see it and I feel it. And I think others do too. I think it's almost like you're a magnet of that, as you exude so much of it, other people are attracted to it right there with you. I think it's really cool. I, a lot of times I don't think we get to hear that side of it. We see it, we feel it, but I feel it from a big side, like watching you from a distance. I just feel it. I watch people gravitate towards you. I watch your social media posts get bigger. I watch more and more people lean in. The more you share all of your wins. So you're working on events. And events have always been a struggle to me. I've. I've helped clients run events, but I've never successfully, I think my biggest event that I successfully ran myself was like a hundred people. It was good. But it, I flipped industries. I've ran an event in the coaching industry that was maybe 80 people, but man, it was a struggle. We were on the phones like for hours, trying to get people in the room. It was not easy or not fun. But it seems like you found this path to bring people together in a real life setting, and it works out well. What's the model that you're using around this? What do you do to fill your events? What does that look like for you?


That's a great question. Yeah. Yeah. Events can be challenging. And when I first started I was like our first event, I was like, we're gonna have 500 people in a room. Gary's already laughing cuz he knows how this goes. All right. It's you're gonna have 500, we're gonna have 500 people put 500 seats. And we have this huge room, 500 seats and theater style and seven people came. And it's always awkward, like they don't sit near each other. There was two over here, one over there and three over there. And I'm like, can you, can we all just move up and just sit in front of you? I don't need a microphone. If you forget, can we just all move up? Cause it's real awkward talking to people in all different parts of the room and the room. It's wide open too. All right, so there was it was some embarrassing moments earlier on and it really took and you're doing this, you do it really well. And that's one of the things we definitely align on deeply is community and the importance of community. And what Covid did do was it made it where we were all on even ground. We were all just on the internet, right? Like you didn't really do anything in person anymore. So we were all just on the internet and we really worked at that time to just pour into our community and the connection that comes with it and the relationships that come with it. And just by simply being a room, how that can change lives. One of the things that changed my life was getting in the room. I got in the room in Philadelphia, years and years ago. I'm old, right? So I got in there years ago and it was like all the big names, right? Gary V was there, John Maxwell was there, Les Brown was there. Tony Robbins was there, right? You go through all the big names now, they were all there. It was before they were huge. And they were all talking. I was like the guy acting like a poindexter. I was standing there with my arms crossed. I didn't do any of the stuff everybody else was doing. I act like I was a real tough guy. And went with my buddy, bought me a ticket. I didn't even buy the ticket myself. Rode back with three buddies of mine. There was four of us. Got to my house, walked into my room, just started crying. Cuz while I held in, during the event, so after we, after I saw how impactful events could be, it was like, how do we make this work? And we're lucky, we, I mean we have over a hundred people for next year's Nashville event already. We were supposed to only have a hundred in the whole event. We had to up it to two 50 because of how quick it started selling. And for us it's. How can you create that offer that it's a no-brainer, or we make events easy. Our ho the hotel room is included. So your hotel room is included. There's some food included. There's networking and celebrations and different parts already included. So all those add-ons that a lot of people do, we make it included. So it makes the offer so much better and makes it easier to sell. But the reason why you can't go back on events is because events are so powerful being in the room with each other. Think about the moments we're having here. We're having moments here, like Gary says something that moves me. The chat says something that moves me. And this is just here on the, in this discord, in this community. Imagine being in the room together for a day or two or three and getting to experience that energy together, that vibration together, that feeling what that builds. There's nothing that takes the place of it, and that's why it's so important. That's why it works so hard, make it happen. When you point your community and really offer value and deliver it anything can happen.


So you have an event next year and you already have a hundred seats sold to it. Like how, so I'm talking to a lot of people right now, and they're like, Gary, events are hard. It's hard to get people into a room. Like I was just on with another big name coach. They just finished an event and they said they had a 22% no-show rate, said the show up rate is hard, like events are hard, but you're, you seem to be making it easy. What's the lead up? What's the marketing, what are you putting out to draw in the right types


a great question. So you see a lot of my social media, I, I. Beat the drum to our people to what we stand for, what our values are, what we believe, what we're trying to do, what we're trying to accomplish, right? I don't speak to people just trying to make money. That's not my people, right? Like people that want to create great income and great impact. I'm with you. Let's do that, right? So I'm very deliberate in our messaging and how we speak to our people and the message they get across to them and want to be part of, right? So I beat that drum, I beat that to death. That's part, you rev up your people. You have a common goal, a bright future, something we're going towards and we're all part of. When people feel like they're part of something and not getting sold something they want to be there. We don't do a lot of hard selling. That's not our style. And actually what's funny is we're selling deck of cards. Last year was a book we sold for 1500 to$3,000. This year we're selling deck of cards, starts at 1500. And then as time goes on, it will go up to$3,000. And your tickets to the event is actually in the deck of cards. I'll get into that later if you want. But what we do is we build that common, and it's that common connection, that common theme, that mission that we're all on. And we know if we're in that room, we're gonna connect better, build better relationships, and grow to who we need to be to in order to accomplish those things that we wanna do in our life and who we want to impact in our life.


This is a common thread that's happening. I, Pedro was in, and he talked about the fact that he was, he paid for ClickFunnels for two years before he ever used a Pedro Odeo that does millions and millions of dollars now in challenges. He paid for ClickFunnels for two years before he ever used it, not because of any other reason than he attached his identity to being a funnel hacker. And that's exactly what you're sharing is we have this mission income and impact. We have a common goal we're gonna do this together. It's the identity that they're part of something with you. I think it's so important and I think a lot of people just skip over that. So your ideal person to be part of what you're building, what is that identity for them like? For Russell, it's funner Hack funnel Hackers for us, we're creators. What are they for you,


great question and I think. One of the things, I'm sorry. You said something that I think is so powerful that I just wanted to hit on again, is that corner, the cornerstone to human existence is connection. We all want to connect once. There was a great TEDx talk that was like, the opposite of addiction is connection. And I think that was just the tip of the iceberg, the cornerstone to human existence connection. We all want to connect. We want to connect a deep level, so bigger than ourselves and believe we're part of something bigger than ourselves. Like that is human behavior 1 0 1. It's we wanna belong. That's why we're tribal beings. So to connect to something greater is huge. One time I was walking in The Bahamas years and years ago and I walked into a bar in The Bahamas and a guy was wearing a Mets hat. Don't judge me. I'm a Mets fan. I love torture clearly, cuz that's being a Mets fan is torture. But a guy was wearing a Mets hat and I was like, oh, what's up? M e t s met mess mats. And then this guy went off and me and him spoke for an hour straight about the Mets, right? And at the end my buddies were like, that's crazy. He ran into someone you knew in The Bahamas. I'm like, I didn't know him. He could have dead bodies in his closet for all I know, but he's a Mets fan. So he connected at that level and that's what made us even talk and build that relationship. That's how much we look for a connection and thrive in it and need it for our soul. So definitely. As you are doing what, Gary, what you're doing is you're giving people a place to belong that are creators. That's huge. Our identity is, we're the unleashed man. We stopped living life by others' guidelines, by cultural society and the beliefs and restrictions and things they put on us, other people's traditions and thoughts. And we just started living life on our terms. And typically they're empowering entrepreneurs movement makers, we call'em. That's why we're the movement maker, life leaders in their community or their home and pushing forward to live life the way they want to and not the way everybody else told'em. Or society made them believe, or their culture made'em feel was the only way or the unleashed brother.


I love that because it's something that you can easily attach to. It's something that you can identify. Are you that or are you not that, are you the conform to society type person? If you are, you're probably not unleashed if you're not and you beat your own drum and go at your own pace. You're like, yeah, I'm unleashed. That sounds good to me. That's me. But it's not so in depth that I have to be like an unleashed 40 year old Caucasian pastor that is married with 12 kids. It's just easy to identify with. I'm like, oh, unleashed. Yeah. And then when I see an event and I'm looking for an event, I'm looking to network, I'm looking to get around other like-minded people. I'm gonna feel like they're all gonna be unleashed as well. I think that's really cool. How did you come up with Unleashed? What? What drives you to that?


That was funny. The but that was a great example. That's so true. When people try to go too lasered in, it's bro, one of the million things I'm not I don't feel like I'm part of it. We came up with the Unleashed. So originally it was, I followed, I modeled, right? I modeled what was already in the space and we were the cmf. We were Coach Mike Faber. And it was a big ego move. And as I went further through, I was like, dude, I don't want it to be about me. It's about us, right? It can't be about myself. It has to be about the greater good to cause the mission, right? Because if something happens to me, I live a life where I know this gonna land. At any moment you're like This life could end, this could all be taken away. I've had a lot of loss that way in my life. So I live knowing that this could end any anymore. And this mission is not meant to end if I do. So it can't be about me. It has to be about us. It has to be about the cause. All right. So sitting there, we were we were trying to, think of the name and I was like a buddy of mine that actually passed away a couple years ago. He was like, Dude, you know what you did? You took all the labels that people attached you to man, and you unleashed yourself from all the man just lived. All right. Cause I was a troublemaker. I was young. I was now in Juv in jail until 20. I was facing over 20 years in jail. I, at 20 years old, that's when I found out I was gonna be a dad too and got shot at. So I moved, I did what anybody would do. I moved to Delaware cause who the hell gets in trouble in Delaware, right? But the, it was unleashing myself from the label. See, identity is something we agree to. Labels is something that people give us. We don't have to agree to the labels, the identity. We get to pick the labels. They get to say, but that's not gonna make a truth. So it was unleashing from the labels and creating ourselves and that's where we came up with it. And unlink you now lives on a pretty cool time. So I was like, bet let's do this. And that's where I came from.


I think it's so cool, like years deep, hits home with you. Easy to relate. And you can articulate it like so quick and on the spot, it's this is why. It's just, I think it's so easy to relate to and I think that's important. Funnel hackers are easy to relate to. Being a creator is easy to relate to. Unleashed is easy to relate to. I think that those types of missions and those types of communities are there things that we wanna be part of. So you mentioned a deck of cards and I've heard you mention kind of some random things at times that you go to sell random things. So how are you selling a deck of cards for$1,500? Are these gold cards? Are they magic cards?


Bro. And I'm it's funny


what do we get with these


so corny with it too that I can't believe it's where the offer's working as well as this is right now. It we have we have two nos so far given the pick. And I start with, I'm selling a deck of cards, right? Just because cards in my life, I literally c carry a deck of cards in my book bag that I walk around with every day. If you get a delay at the airport, you can break out solitaire, play war against somebody that you're waiting for the plane with, or that person that takes way too long getting ready and you're all sitting there aimlessly looking at the TV or the wall cards. Start conversation. I remember my grandfather had a speakeasy in New York City and I remember watching the older people play cards and I was like, man, one day I wanna sit at that table, right? And it was like something I wanted to work to and aspire to be good enough to sit at the table with them. So there's so many good memories that come with cards and in my family and in my life that I was like, dude, I wanna sell deck of cards, but I don't want it to be like a normal typical deck of cards. I wanna make it different. I wanna take something ordinary and make it even better. So we're gonna brand it out. Of course it's gonna be black and blue and green, we represent the unleash Now colors all the time. I'm always wearing them. But that's not the only thing. That's not the reason why you're gonna gimme 1500 for a deck of cards. It's because there's three jokers in the deck. There's the two regular ones, and then a picture of me in there. No, I'm kidding. That's not it either. But I do say that joke off that what makes the cards unique is in the deck of cards is two tickets to the Move and Maker Alive, right? So there's two tickets to the event. If you wanted to buy a ticket by itself, it's 5,000, but you get two of them in the deck cars for 1500, right? It's a three day event you get each day. We don't bring in just like big name speakers. What we like to do is bring in speakers that made the people right. Like that built the people, right? Like we bring in Dr. Rob McClelland, who got John Maxwell into over a hundred countries is because I wanna learn that. I don't wanna know how to run through the wall. I wanna know where to go when we get through the wall, right? I always, I love inspiration and motivation, don't get me wrong, but I spent years running through walls not knowing what to do when I got through it. Also two nights of your, this is at the Gaylord in Nashville. If you've never been there, it's an amazing resort. And Garrett, I know if you've been there It's a beautiful, amazing resort. It's my favorite United States, and it is your room is actually covered for two nights. You, you actually, your hotel key will be in the cards and you get your room and you can just go in and it's included in the thing. It's normally 500 to 600 a night or four to 600. And that it would be another thousand dollars. That's included. Our celebration of living life unleashed is in there as well. We have a party all too often we get caught up living life. We don't celebrate life. We bring in a dj, we bring in some live music, we bring a standup comedian, we bring in spoken word. It's the night of art in word form, and that's included. Meet the speakers and networking is included. So all these extra tickets, plus the book we sold for$3,000 last year is included. It comes out to like, where it's like over$15,000 worth of value, you'll get in the deck of cards for 1500. And at the end I go, so you're gonna play cards with us in Nashville and March or what? And as of right now, it's working pretty well. I'm not, hopefully it continues to work that well, but I doubt it. Selling at that rate is rare, so it'll probably even out at some point. But right now, a deck of cards, it's moving. We've done over 50 K in it. It'll be over a hundred K by the end. So we'll say we sold cards for a hundred k.


It just makes sense. I've been to a lot of events. I've heard a lot of pitches and it's just simple. Are you gonna play cards with us in Nashville? Yeah. I wanna play cards with you in Nashville. It's a simple question and I think whatever you're pitching your story makes sense. I think it's super clever. I think your value prop is insane, including the hotel giving them, a really nice property. I haven't been to the Gaylord in Nashville. I've been to the Gaylord in Orlando. But really nice properties, giving them great speakers, giving them a great experience, and giving them the invitation to play cards with you in Nashville. And it just comes back to being a simple yes. It's yeah, I wanna play cards with you. It's not, do you want to go to the event? It's not, do you wanna hop on an airplane? It's not, do you wanna pay for the hotel? It's not, do you want to do all of these other things? It's, do you wanna play cards with us? How did you come up with that other, I know cards and I know you said that, but like that's just real clever. Do you wanna play cards with us? Like there, there's gotta be a little something more


and he is. You never, if you do a pitch and you have. Have to say, so do you want to buy at the end? Typically it's not a great, the ending could have been better, right? So that was part of it. Also at the beginning of it, I told you how important it was to be at the table playing cards, like something that was so big to me, right? Something that was so important in my life. It meant something to me. It meant we arrived, we were peers, we're together, right? So when you play cards with me is like me asking you to sit at that table with me, that meant so much to me in my life. Like our events mean that much to me in my life, right? And one of the reasons why too, I just want I like being very clear. The close rate is extremely high cuz we do great payment plans, all right? It makes it very easy for people to afford. I try to be very clear in what we're doing. I don't like to try to sell smoke or make mirrors and, okay, that's not true. But that means a lot to me to sit and play cards together and just connect and get to know one another. And that's what I want to do at this event. That's why I don't like having mega events. Really I only wanted a hundred then I agree to 222 cuz 22 is my favorite number. And so they said that'd be a weird number to say. So we're saying two 50, but I'd be very happy if it's 2 22. But it's just cuz I wanna connect, I wanna get to know you. Like I want, I wanna see how we can serve one another. I pour to one another and just be there for one another and support one another and care for another. The more we do that for one another, we raise our energy and our vibration the closer we are to love and the less likely we are to suffer. And I think we all suffered enough.


It's the inclusion piece. It's you're including them in something that means something to you. You shared how your vision, your journey is to get to that table and you're inviting them to come to the table and play cards with you. You hit home on their need to be included. Really good offer. Really good offer and simple offer, and honestly, an offer that. Now, I'm not saying that anyone can go run an event at the Gaylord Hotel and put all this together year one and make the kind of money that you're gonna make, but I do believe that anyone listening to this, whether you're live in the studio with us or you're listening on the recording, anyone could take action off of what you're talking about, maybe come to your event and check it out so they know what it feels like, but they could take action and they could run an event and maybe have seven people in the


Oh, a hundred percent.


I think anyone could do that right now, just with


All right. So I never, I don't claim to be anyone can do this if I can do it. This is my, it's a story I say for life. If I can do it, anyone can do it. Yeah, you just gotta be willing to take the risk and take the chance. I love live events. I think events are a huge way to push your business forward. One of our biggest losses came from a live event, and, but I always say if we didn't do that live event, we would not be here at the level in which we are now. Even though at the time it looked like it was a mistake or a failure, it became a huge success for us because what was built and came from that. So definitely, and my thing is, let's don't get caught up in ego man. Let have a retreat, have three people at it, right? Five l like we do one re one of our retreats. We do over 20 events a year. A lot of them are retreats only. One's a conference style, and they're one of our retreat. Literally, we only get, we only want five people. It's a stream to a dream. It's so much work in that weekend to do that. We can't do it properly with more, it's a higher end ticket price, but only, we only sell five tickets. We only want five people. So don't get caught up in the number and everything. Get caught up in people being able to pour into people and experience and connecting with people and building your community and your expertise. And if you do that, there's, you're gonna be able to fill up any room you want.


Ooh, I like that. I do. And retreats are great. Running small events, putting five, 10 people there, building a small community of your true fans that'll help build with you, help grow with you, help you refine your message a little bit, give you some feedback build your confidence so you can step on a bigger stage. I think those are all really important steps. I was in Clubhouse way back in the day talking to Grant Cardone and some other folks there, and I was sharing, some of the stuff that I'd done and he looked at me. He said, Gary, you're not ready. I said what do you mean? He said, Gary, when you have a million followers following you on Instagram, you're gonna get something totally different than when you have 20,000 followers following you. You're gonna have a different type of attention. You're gonna have a different type of audience. You're not ready for that yet. So every step you take through the journey, even though you may want to get to this level that I'm at, or you may want to get here fast, every step you take through the journey is to get you prepared for the next step. And I think that first event that you had of seven people is getting you prepared for this event. You're gonna have with, I don't know, maybe 2 22, but probably you're gonna sell it out at two 50.


Dude I came straight out of being in court to being a full blown entrepreneur. When I got in this space, no one wanted me on their stage. I was, my history was a troublemaker. I am loud to a degree even though I talk quiet, I say a lot and I'm, I re I what I believe in and what I know to be true. I speak, right? So it wasn't, I didn't get on stages. I had to, we had to build stages. And then after we rebuilt up stages and people started coming and people saw that people would go with our community, would go with us wherever we are, that they started then wanting me on their stage cuz they knew we would sell some tickets. That was the only reason why I ever got on other people's stages. So if you don't need anyone else to do it for you, you can do it without a doubt.


I can definitely relate there. I'm a little loud and I, as you see, build my own stage as well. We do have a question in the chat here, and I didn't watch this video, so I'm gonna ask you to. To step back just a little bit, but Camille says, I watched her video about calling to mind the three people in the world you love the most and would do anything for it. Hit me hard when you ask if I was in the




What is your recommendation to keep that top of mind daily?


thank you. I appreciate you doing some research on me, making sure that. I have something of value to add. That's a great question and it's hard to do. We're our greatest enemy, right? Like our self-talk, our, the most important conversation you have every day is with who People will say they're mom, God, right? Kids, universe, whatever it is. And it's always yourself because if you're talk to yourself isn't right, you're talk to everybody else won't be what it could be, right? So one, know exactly where you are. You got yourself there like you did your part. So give yourself credit one two, if you care about others, you gotta care about yourself, right? Because if you are not good, they can't be good, right? So if you care about anyone, you have to care about you, even if you do it in an unselfish way, because you have to be at a certain level to be able to serve and care for your people. Be able to be there for your people, right? To me, it's very important for me to be there for my people. It's something I hang my head on. That's a big pillar in my life. And I know if I don't take care of me, then I can't, then I can't be there for them. And it's knowing that even by you doing that, you're doing it for you to be able to do for others. And grateful and thankful. I used to have a hell of an anger problem. I was mad just to be mad, right? And something that really changed my life and that part of my life especially, was grateful and thankful every morning. First thing I do, three things that I'm grateful for, right? Things that I'm part of and at night, three things I'm thankful for that happened that day. The last one is an exercise called the Senses. It brings attention to how powerful and how amazing, how important you are in this world. I won't do that right now. I don't wanna take up your time doing that, but hit me up and I'll gladly do that exercise with you. For you to see for yourself how important you are and how impactful you are, how really, truly big you are and mighty you are, which without even knowing you, I know you are.


I love that. I actually, while you were talking, I tweeted if your talk to yourself isn't right, then your talk to everyone else isn't where it should be. And we are the most powerful voice that we have. We, years ago I was working with Christine Kane and we had planned this challenge and we had planned this meditation challenge and she wrote the script for the meditation challenge and we were ready and she didn't have time to record the meditation challenge, and we had a problem. We had sold everyone a challenge that we didn't have the audio for. And I didn't know what to do. So I did a little research and I found that through this research, and this is probably eight years ago, that our voice is the most powerful voice that we can hear. And when we speak it to ourselves looking in the mirror, or we speak it to ourselves and we record it, and we listen to it back, that's what really hits home because we hear it the way we said it. We hear what's there. And instead of Christine doing the meditation, we delivered the script and we assigned every person who bought the meditation to record their own. And we taught them how to do it on their iPhone or on their Android so they could record their own meditation, and they could then just listen to their own voice back over and over again. And it was their voice right there, their voice that they had to talk to themselves over and over again. That's so powerful. I'm tha, I'm so glad you brought that up, Camille. Thank you for that. Yes, I use my own voice for mantras. That is powerful. It is. And then grateful and thankful every day just to take I put my feet on the ground every morning and I'm grateful that I open up my eyes. I'm grateful that I have another day to live. I'm grateful that I take another breath because I've had a lot of people in my life that aren't here anymore. And I'm grateful that today I get to be here today. I think it's really easy to forget those little moments. It's easy to look at the big moments and say, or to be a little ungrateful sometimes, because maybe the big thing that we want hasn't happened. But to be grateful for the simple things well is what,


you brother. It is just


bigger things. Thanks for sharing that, Michael. I really appreciate that.


what worked for me. We're all the hardest critics, right? So if we can make, if we can make right with us, we can make right with others easier, right? And relationships are key in my life are important. I'm just like, I bet they are with a bunch of other people. And the better we can make those better life is right that, listen, my daughter's smiling at me when I hear Daddy, I love you, God, man, that doesn't get old to me. Nine, she's 19 now. I feel like she's going 19 on 40, but she's 19 now. And still I see her when she says, I love you, daddy. I'm like, life is good. So one of those things that you're good, that you can find good and that you did good. And remember those we're quick to say we're dumb or stupid. How can I make that mistake? I'm so dumb. How often do we celebrate ourselves or clap for ourselves or say, wow, look what I pulled off. Look what I did. Look what I was part of. We, we typically make ourselves believe the lies about us rather than the truth. The truth is actually pretty amazing, and we did pretty good and we're still going. We're still getting better. The best is you have to come.


I love that. So how does life work out for you? We've talked a lot about business and we've talked about your business successes. What does life look like? Do you get time for hobbies? Are you all in on work? You said you


I'm obsessive, man. I'm obsessive about what I do and


but what's the other


I'm very I've had sole custody of my daughter now for years. I'm very active as a father and in her life, that's one of the things I'm obsessed about is being dead. My daughter saved my life multiple times it's the least I can do, right? It's one of the things I haven't screwed up, so I'm trying not to. So at least I have one thing in my life that for all time I won't screw up. So being dad is huge for me, my people. I like taking my people on trips and experiences and moments, right? So I don't talk about, yeah, I don't talk about balance. I talk about. Priorities, right? I have my list, my pillars, and I pour into those. I obsess over those. So it's making time for my people and being around my people, letting them know they're loved and letting me experience their love in a bunch of different moments. As easy as a cookout to a cruise, or going to The Bahamas or whatever, taking a trip, doing whatever, experiencing a ball game in some sort of way. I love those moments and those experiences. I wanna fill my life up with those. So being with my daughter, being with my people, I have a farm. I have a 26 acre horse farm. We have horses, goats, like 14 dogs right now. It's crazy. I need to get rid of some the all kinds of animals, creatures, growing our own food. I love just being there. I once said, when I was young, it was an ego move. I said I was gonna own as far as the eye could see, so I bought 26 acre horse farms. Now I own, as far as my eyes can see on that thing. Just saying it's something we did from living in a car to doing that. It's not bad. We're definitely growing, but and then taking time to be man. I sit on the boardwalk a lot and listen to the waves. That means something to me. That's peace. I'll sit in nature. And just those are the areas of where I find myself. I find creativity. I find the answers, and then I connect with my people and build that stronger and love stronger. And that's really what I'm about. So that's what I like to do.


Sounds like an absolutely amazing life. We the slogan and the mantra here is build your empire and live your life. And everybody has their own pace and everybody has their own speed, and everybody has their own dreams and their own desires. Susan Evans taught me years ago that your, like she said, everybody thinks that their employees are motivated by money or they're motivated by this. She says, everybody has their own motivations. And when you figure out what those motivations are and you help people reach those motivations, then that's when we reach our goals. And that's what you're doing. You found your motivations and


Dude, thank you one again, thank you so much, monitor to be here and let you, let me


Michael if our audience wants to connect


you're awesome. I love what you're doing. Your community seems amazing. So anyone that wants to connect with me, I'm easy, right? Like I'm a, I'm on every social media site, either Michael Faber or the coach Mike Faber. And my numbers public, my email's public. When I say I wanna be there for you, you're not alone. I mean it we want to end suicide and suffering behavior. One of the things for that is people can't feel isolated. So I make it very easy for people not to feel isolated and you're not a burden to me. I love this so you can contact me. Any way possible. It's all public. It's all on my social medias. And reach out, I'd love to have a conversation with you. See what you're about, see what you're doing, see how I can help and just grow together and connect and see what life has to all for us. And Gary, thank you again, man. You're awesome. How you opened up your community for people to come speak life. I thought I was coming here to speak, but really what I was coming here was get poured into by amazing people. So thank you. I appreciate that.

I started that session. And within the first five minutes I had tears going down my face. But Michael shared his mission. About ending suicide. Look that really hit home. When people have these big missions and they're on this. This path to change the world. And I see it. I feel it. I connect with it. It just, it gets me emotional. Like this was a great session. It's one of the most impactful that we've had. We're only like five sessions in so far, but it was great. You know, how would you love to be able to sell a deck of cards? Right. Such a cool deck of cards though. Right. And be able to sell those for$1,500. Right. Make sure you're focusing on your identity as Michael shared the unleashed, right? His communities, they unleashed we're the creators. Remember If you're not getting the opportunities that you want. If you're not getting on the stages, if you're not getting on podcasts, if you're not getting shouted out in newsletters, you could go build it yourself. You can go create your own community. You can go create your own stages. You can go do everything all on your own. Just like Michael did and just like I've done. And I love sharing the moments of being grateful and thankful. Look, this was a great, great episode. If you want to come in and you want to check these episodes out live. If you want to be part of our community, if you want to be a creator. With us with what we're building. Go to Join what we're doing. Right. Come be part of it. Figure out who our next guests are. Come send the studio live with us. Come interact, ask your questions of our guests. Who knows, maybe you'll be the next guest on the creator studio. So, thank you all so much. Don't forget to hit the follow button. I follow the show, never miss an episode and do me a favor today. If you're getting value out of this show. Can you text one of your friends? Like actually open up like the, the text must message button or, or Facebook messenger or WhatsApp, or a DM on Instagram or Twitter, whatever you use. Can you message one of your friends and tell them about the show for me. It would mean the absolute world. To me, we're working really hard to build an audience here. So if you have another friend, that's a creator, just like you. Can you message them and ask them to check out one of these episodes, maybe one you got value out of it would mean the absolute world to me. Thank you have a great day.

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