Creator Studio

Studio Diaries - Playing All In

Gary Henderson

Today is a new type of episode. Typically I have a live audience in the studio, and I invite a guest in to have an epic conversation about their journey as a creator. 

But today's episode is a little different. From now on each week, we will add an episode to the podcast called The Studio Diaries.

These will be short episodes where I share personal and transformational stories from my past to help you get to know me better as a creator. These experiences have shaped me and I hope they offer some insight into my journey.

I would like to share a story with you that taught me the value of going all in, which occurred approximately 10 years ago.

I hope you enjoy it!

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Gary Henderson:

My name is Gary Henderson. And I built the creator studio to show you what's possible. So this is a new type of episode. Typically. We have a live guest that comes into the studio. We have a live audience. We're in discord. And we're having a conversation talking about a creator's journey. What they're building, what they're working on, what they've done in the past. What's possible for you while we can learn. What we can take action on together. Right. And we're learning together. We're taking action together and it all happens. Live in the studio. Well, today's episode is different. There's stories that I want to share things that have happened through my journey. That I want to bring to you. Some of them will be really relevant to what's going on right now in our lives. And some of them may be some things that I throw back to from the past. It'll give you a chance to get to know me a little bit more. It'll give you a chance to learn about some of the experience that I've had in the past. And it'll give us a chance to continue working together and building our relationship. So I think when we build. This relationship, we have to get to know each other. And while it's amazing to hear conversations that I have with other creators. Sometimes it works out really nice. If I can just sit down and tell you a story as well. So today I'm going to talk about. Playing all in. About. Let me, let me think here. 10 years ago, no, nine years ago. I went to Atlanta and I was going to this event. It was fall. And I was going to this event that Suzanne Evans and Larry Winget we're hosting. Now Suzanne was a client of mine. She was. Like fortune 500, 5,000 business owner in New York times bestselling author, like just absolute rockstar. And Larry Winget. This guy has keynoted 400 of the fortune 500 companies. Um, amazing speaker. And I'm going to this event. I'm a sponsor. I paid thousands of dollars to be in the room. I was excited to learn. I was a big client of Suzanne. I was paying like 40 or$50,000 a year to Suzanne Evans. And she was a client of mine. She's probably paying me like 30 or$40,000 a year. So there's a lot of money moving around. We go to Atlanta, fly in. I get to the w hotel in Midtown, Atlanta. Great property. I go and I check into my hotel room and I go, and I grabbed the escalator and I'm going down. Right to the basement area where the conference meeting and the meeting spaces are. So I go down there and I check in and Sam, Gary Henderson, and they say, oh, good to see you carry and give me my badge and all this stuff. And they say, we have a. Uh, pretty interesting. Um, check-in process. I said, okay. And I said, we have three stations that we need you to visit. And the first station. His hair and makeup. And I hear that. And I don't know if you've ever seen a picture of me. I'm typically a giraffe, but. I'm now I'm 42 and I'm white and I'm bald. Then I was 33 and white and bald. Hair and makeup was not something that I wanted to do. So I kind of looked at them. I said, okay. And I said, then you go take your headshot. I don't really like pictures. Okay. I said, then you go and you read into a teleprompter. Well, those are the three things that I probably hate the most. I don't do my hair and makeup. I cut my hair. I'm bald. I don't wear pink hub. I don't really like pictures too much. And I love audio. If you're listening to my podcast, you'll notice I don't have a video version of this. We don't record video. So the three things that I hated the most nine years ago. Well, it's the three steps of the check-in process. And I looked at that person. And I said, I am a sponsor. Uh, entitlement her. I'm a sponsor. I'm going to skip the check-in process. I'm here to make money. And I'm here to grow my audience. I'm not here to buy the offer. And I went to the bar. Now that was okay. I went to the bar. I got a drink. I met up with my friends. I had a good time. And then the next day. Barry, which is. So. In the world that I was in, then. Suzanne Evans is running the Seville with Larry Winget. There's 300 people in Atlanta. Everybody's there to learn how to speak. Um, learn how to grow their brand. It's high energy. And you have an event coordination team called Sage. Um, blue and bury they're running the event and Barry comes up to me and. And I was just a little scared of Barry. I really want to get her on the show sometimes. So you'll get to hear this story from her perspective as well. But I was kind of intimidated by Barry. And she came up to me and she said, Gary, we need to talk. You know, and I don't know about you, but if you ever hear that we need to talk. That's not a great message to hear. So I'm instantly enlightened on, did my payment go through like, did I, did I do something stupid? What happened? And she says, Gary, I was putting together the packages. See at this event, It was kind of a competition. We had to speak in front of an audience. We had to learn, we had to go to different sessions. We had to do all this stuff. And she said, I'm putting together the packets for Suzanne and Larry. They're going to review them tonight. And as I was looking through the packet, the folders. I noticed that we didn't have your headshot. And we didn't have your video, your teleprompter session. And I said, oh no, Barry, you know, I'm a sponsor. I'm and I just kept rattling off. Excuse me, I'm a sponsor. And she's like, okay. So. I'm like, well, I I've got a booth and you know, I'm bald and I don't really care about hair makeup. So. So, so. And then she said, Gary, Let me tell you something about Suzanne. You've got to play all in. If you're going to be part of what Suzanne has building. See how she gonna feel when she goes to grab these folders tonight, her and Larry. And she goes and opens up the folder and she's really excited because you're here. And she's really excited because she wants to see your video and she opens it up and it's empty. Carrie, I can't show her that. But yeah, but I'm a sponsor, but yeah, but I'm a client. Yeah, but I don't even want to buy the offer, but see Gary, I can't show her that. Because when you're part of what Suzanne's building, you have to play all in. And that means when you agreed to sponsor this event and show up at this event. You needed to go through the full check-in process. You needed to participate in play all. And if you choose not to buy it, that's your choice. But you needed to play all in. And Gary. I'm not going to let this get to Suzanne and Larry. So, what I've done is I've had got the team downstairs. Hair. Makeup's ready for you. We've got the camera crew ready to take your headshot. And I got Jimbo and he set the teleprompter up for you to read your script. So Gary, I'm going to need you to go do that. Or we're not going to be able to have you be a sponsor here at our event. And I don't remember if she went that serious, but that's how it felt to me. Kind of like, if I didn't go do this, I was out. And it took me a second and I asked sister. I sat there and I. I take a deep breath. And I said, okay. And I kind of got a little pissy and I kinda got a little angry and not, not like. I like verbally, but just like frustrated, you know? And. I went and I did it and I read, and I probably bitched the whole time. Abs. Jim Bo and I were friends and he was running the camera. I probably got a drink and took it with me. But I did it. And I played all in. And I learned a really valuable lesson. I see when I joined an ecosystem. And when I joined a community. I want. To be a big voice in that community. I want to be a leader. I want to show up. So I knew if I was in the room when Suzanne was talking, literally she would say, Gary, what does everybody want? I could grab a mic, Suzanne. Everybody wants more time and more money. And she knew she could always depend on me for that. And I liked it because I got exposure. Right. There's a thousand people in a room and she says, Gary Henderson, where are you at? I get exposure. I love that. But I wasn't playing all in. Now I did this a couple more times too. I went to Jeff Walker's event. Product launch formula. I joined his mastermind. PLF live. At PLF lavage Wendy's mastermind his platinum program. I went the very first mastermind event. The very first event. Like right at the very beginning. I went and I made a lot of money. And I am talking a lot of money. And I went and I made a lot of money and I hadn't spent any money in the room. So playing all in to me is not only. Showing up and doing the hair and makeup that I didn't want to do. It's not only. Reading into the teleprompter, taking my headshot. It's also making sure that I'm giving energy back to the room. So I went to chefs. Jeff's event the first platinum mastermind event. I remember Mastin KIPP. He dragged me into this room. It was really tiny. It was in the back corner. And he said, Gary, I've got to hire you. Can we do a call by CEO right now? And we did and he did, he hired me. I made about$300,000 in contracts at that event. Jeff became my client and many other people became my client that were in the room as well. But I didn't spend any money yet. So we went out that night. On a bus to these gardens. With all the other people that were part of the platinum mastermind group. And I had a blast. I was with Justin Livingston. I mean, oh man, who else was there? Chris Carr was there. Um, Susan Garrett was there. Right. I just had a blast. We had a great night walking around these gardens. We had a great night having some alcohol. Right. Networking. What I was there for playing all in. Right. I did my part. I played all in, but I hadn't spent money yet. I'd paid Jeff and I bought my ticket in the room. It's like 30 grand for the year. So it was expensive. But I hadn't spent money in the room yet. So we're on the bus on the way back to the hotel that night. And the person in front of me, her name was Victoria. Labalme. And Victoria, she's really well-known for telling stories. And everyone in the room was raving about how great of a storyteller she was. And if you're listening to this right now, which I hope you are. Then I want to be a great storyteller. It's just something I really like to do. I like to tell stories. I like to connect through stories. I like to hear stories. So I decided I was going to pay Victoria. Tap her on the shoulder. Like, Hey Victoria. She's like, yeah, I get I'm Gary Henderson. I am new here and yeah, it's kinda like, like what's, what's up, dude. And I said, I've heard great things about you. Like this group has been amazing to me. And I would like to invest with you. Do you have an offer? And she said I do. I've got a$7,500 event. I'll teach you how to tell great stories and all this stuff. And I said, awesome. Can I buy it? She said, yeah, just come find me tomorrow and we'll take care of it. I said, no, can I buy it tonight? She kind of looked at me really weird and she's like, oh, Gary, I don't have, like, I don't have a credit card machine. Like this is like 2014. She's like, I don't have a way to charge you right now. I said all that's okay. Let me just give you my Amex card. And she looked at me and she said, I don't need your car. And I said, yes, you do. See the energy that this room had given me, I need to give a back. And everybody here spent money with me. I want to spend money with you. And I know if I give you my credit card tonight, then I've actually spent money with you. Because I know you're going to charge me and I don't get a chance to take a back. So I did that. At Jeff Walker's event. One more story. I was in Ryan Dice's mastermind. I was war room is a$25,000 investment for the year. And when you were in the mastermind, you went and you showed up and. 200 or so people in the room. And they have this competition it's called wicked smart. And during the whole event everybody's talking and everybody's talking and everybody's talking and we're sharing ideas and we're sharing strategies. I mean, these are the best marketers in the world. And we're sharing like our insider strategies where. Sharing our numbers what's working. What's not working. And. Comes time to talk. Wicked smart. Well, I was always trying to have the best idea I wanted to get on stage in front of 200 people. So. I pitched an idea. And I got invited to do wicked smart. At traffic and conversion summit. In front of 2000 people. Now I'm on stage with like Neil Patel and Ryan Deiss and Roland Frazier's up there. It's an amazing time. Right. So. I come out on stage and we had a rule. Yeah, it was wicked smart. It was a panel we had to give our tip. We had to give our, our I, our insider idea. Sheriff's strategy with the audience. It was kind of a bit of a showcase panel or a success panel. Right. We were all in the mastermind. It was like, Hey, you could come be with all these people. You could get in the room with us a couple of times a year. So I knew what it was. But they had a rule. You couldn't. Get anyone's email address. 2015 ish. You can't get anyone's email address 2000 plus people in the audience. Well, my tip. Was about. Using UTM tags in Facebook ads. Very highly technical information. Highly technical. I needed to show you. I needed you to see screenshots. So I put together a guide, an ebook. But I couldn't. Ask for your email address? So I taught my tip. And I said, Look, we have a rule here. That I can't ask you to opt in. So I put this lead magnet on this page and all you have to do is go here and grab it. No email address required. And when I said no email address required. I glanced over at dice and he looked at me. And I looked at him. And he looked at me. And on his microphone and I'm on my microphone and he says, Gary, You just pixeled my audience. Didn't you. I said I did. You told me I couldn't get their email, but you didn't tell me I couldn't set a pixel. And he said, you know, I can't even be pissed at you. Because that was wicked smart. Because what I did is I found the loopholes. Played all in. I went to the events. I showed up at all the masterminds. I went to Beverly Hills and went to that one. I went into Vegas and went to that one. I went to all the war room events I could get to. When I was there, I showed up, I participated. Every activity I was at. I did my job. Right. I brought the best strategies. I got my way on the wicked smart. I got onto the big stage for free in front of thousands of people. And I pixel the entire audience. Because I'm wicked smart. Now, let me wrap into a way that someone in our community has been playing all in now. I've played all in, in multiple times. I've learned what it's like to play all in I've I've put big bucks all in. I've put the energy all in. I've shown up and I've brought my friends with me all in. I've done the hair and makeup. I've done the headshot. I've read into the teleprompter all in. But let me tell you about one of our newest community members. Her name is crystal and I met her on clubhouse. Now she knew of me. She read my book. I went into one of her rooms. I like to go into clubhouse or Twitter spaces and just kind of cruise the streets is what I call it. And I pop in the room and if. It sounds interesting. I stay in, I listen, and if it sounds boring, I just leave and it's no disrespect. It's just not what I'm into at that moment. So I walk into the room and I hear crystal talking and it's great conversation. And I listened for a while and I come up on stage and we connect and. I make her an offer. And I said, would you like to get a giraffe? That's what I do. I sell stuff. And I wanted to create her to be part of our community. And she said, sure. So she got a giraffe. I helped her. She didn't have crypto and I helped her. She got a giraffe and then she messaged me back and she said, Gary. What's it like to get 10 more of those? Playing all in. See, I noticed this stuff now. I said, oh, what do you mean? She said, well, I have a community. Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. Energy mover. I want to bring 10 of my community members into Gary club with me. I said, oh, that's perfect. Then. And I ran the math on that and I told her what that would look like. And she said, give me a day and let me check with the community and make sure. So no problem. She came back to me and she said, let's do it. So she bought one giraffe. And then she bought 10 more. She played all in. She saw an opportunity. And she jumped all in. See when I was playing all in with Suzanne or Jeff. Or when I was playing all in with dice, we got exposure and we won together, but not like we doing Gary club. See, I played all in, right. I would, I would go play Victoria Labalme or I would do my work. So Suzanne right. I was participating and I was, uh, I was a great student. But when I paid, I paid Suzanne. Let's see here, the way Gary club works, what we build, we win together. So when Christelle goes out and buys Gary coin, or what Christelle goes out and buys a giraffe. Or even when Christelle goes out and drops her own token, maybe the OCC token. We win together as a group and as a community because we all get to grow together. We all get to build together. And as the value increases, we all grow together that way as well. So with draft there's only 7,660 of those that exist in the world. And with Christelle taking 11 of those that's 11 left that are going to go into circulation because her creators want to be a part of what we're building. And what that means. Is that means we have 11 more loud voices there. And it means that Chris Tel has her community as part of what she's building with us. She played all in. She brought her people with her. So my challenge for you in the lesson of today. In our roughly 18 and a half 20 minutes, we're going to spend together. Is. Take some time in your life and look at the communities you're in. Look at the work you do. Look at the way you're showing up in life and see, are you playing all in? And if you're not. Then my challenge for you is to step up and play all in. Or step back. And commit to something that you can. See a lot of times we overcommit. We say yes to too many things. We want to make everybody happy. We, we, we have the greatest intentions of the world, but we don't actually follow through. So we can't play all in. We said yes to too much. And we need to go back and say no to some things. And sometimes. Right. We're looking at this and we're like, I know I'm not, I know I'm not going to all the events. I know I'm not showing up. And listening to the podcast, like. Look, if this is the first episode of the podcast, you've missed a lot. Right. I know I don't open the emails when I get the emails. I know, I don't show up. Look, I'm having coffee every morning around 5:00 AM and discord. I know I never show up at that time. I do a weekly pulse every Wednesday at two o'clock live, you can show up. It's perfect. It's open. It's free for every single person. You can show up with us. You can be there, but you have to put it on your calendar and you have to go to to do that. So if you're not playing all in with us, or you're not playing all in, in your other communities or you're not playing all in and another aspect of your life. My challenge for you is to play all in. Give it your all, give it your best. Do that. I hope you liked this episode. I have thoroughly enjoyed telling you a couple of stories today. I'm going to publish one of these every week. Telling different stories that's going on in my life or different stories that's going on in our community's lives. Um, solo episodes with me. There'll be about this length. They'll come out every Thursday. If you like the show, I'd like you to hit the follow button. I would love for you to come and join us over in our community. It's It's absolutely free for you. And if you join us, open up a support ticket, let them know that you were listening to the podcast and we'll get you the supporter role in our community and get you your first Garry coin. Absolutely free my treat. All you have to do is go to Flashed discord.

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