Creator Studio

Studio Diaries - Threads Launch - 80/20 Rule

Gary Henderson

If you've been on Instagram in the last week or watched the news, I'm sure you've heard about the hot new app Threads.

Threads is the fastest app ever to reach one million users. In just five days, the Threads app surpassed 100+ million users.

In this episode, I'll share what Threads is, how people like it, ideas about what type of content to share, and a reminder to use the 80/20 rule.

Since the launch of the new Threads app, we've collected over 1,000+ email addresses of creators who want to join our Threads engagement group, and we have grown our Discord community by hundreds of new members.

If this interests you, listen to this episode and find me on Threads!

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My name is Gary Henderson, and I built the creator studio to show you what's possible. Last week was a really cool week. We had heard of rumors. Have a new app coming from Instagram. We had heard that it was supposed to be kind of like a Twitter clone. And last week. Instagram. Dropped a brand new app on us called threads. And it's gone crazy viral. We're. About a weekend right now, when I'm recording this. They have 108 million users. To put that into perspective. It took five days to get 1 million users on chat GPT, and that was the fastest app ever. Five days to get 1 million users. Threads had 2 million users in the first two hours. They made it to 108 million users within their first week. So, what you have is Instagram. Creating this new opportunity called threads. That's very basic and it's very simple and there's a ton of new features coming out. But it's basically a conversation app. You're built to have conversations with each other, which fits really nice with me. And I feel truly nice with a reminder of the 80 20 rule. So when. Threads came out. I went back to my normal spot. I went back to clubhouse and I started to poke around. And I noticed that. There was nobody running content on threads yet. And the people that were running content, it was. Honestly, pretty low quality content. And it was, you know, kind of scammy stuff about, you know, negative stuff about threads. It wasn't positive growth minded stuff. Like let's grow together. Let's build community. So I started a room one morning and I named it after threads. We grew. Thousands of people through that room. And what I started to do is I started to build a community. Of creators in my home place. Clubhouse. That wanted to create on threads. They were curious about threads. They wanted to build their core community. They wanted to get followers. They wanted to have fun. They wanted to build and grow together. So I started to create this community. And we've ran 12 hour rooms on clubhouse. We've ran overnight rooms on clubhouse. We've ran short rooms on clubhouse. Hell. We even ran one room where it was almost like a spin class. We were all engaging on threads. We were all hanging out in clubhouse and we were listening to. Big booty mix 23 by two friends. So we've started to build a vibe around a community on threads. Of creators that want. To hang out on social audio. Now this community, they're not Twitter spaces, fans. How this is a clubhouse group. It's a clubhouse community. It's a clubhouse crew. But as we start to dive into the new app, And everybody's going very hard and very heavy, and they're getting all these followers I'm up to almost 5,000 followers. I'm doing a huge giveaway when I top 5,000 followers. So you definitely want to make sure to look me up on threads and make sure you're part of the top five or the first 5,000. I'm going to give away 5,000 Gary coin. When I taught 5,000 followers. So. While doing all this, I noticed. People keep creating new content. Here's a new tip for threads. Here's the new tip for threads. Here's the new tip for threads, but when you look around the room, nobody's even heard the first tip for threads. And I was talking to a creator this morning and I was reminded of this 80 20 rule. So when we. Go to create as a creator. A lot of times we just push content out to the world and we hope the algorithms pick it up and we hope it goes viral or we hope it takes off. Or I don't know, maybe you're getting, you're getting paid to create your content. And that's a different story, but if you're pushing to get audience, if you're pushing to grow a community, if you're pushing to grow your true fans, that's what we talk about here. So. The 80 20 rule says you spend 20% of your time creating the content. And 80% of your time promoting the content that you created. So that means if it takes you one hour. To create. The video or the real, or the thread or the YouTube video or the Tik TOK video or the clubhouse room, whatever. You should spend four times that amount promoting it. Now that could be pre event promotion. That could be during the event promotion. It could be post event promotion. Clips and, and, and. You know, repurpose content and stuff like that. Creators. Especially creators like me that are. A little more technical, a little more. Geekier nerdy a little more into. Finding cool shit. We just like to go create and build stuff. And a lot of times we forget to do the promotion. And we ended up creating some of the coolest stuff in the world and we have no one to see it or no one to look at it. And then you run out of customers or you run out of money or you run out of opportunity. Where you see the flip side of that? The people who never produce anything at all, but they're all hype. They're all words are all hype and you see them. They have all the customers. All the email database, all the opportunities. They're following the 80 20 rule. They're creating a little and promoting a lot. Most of us create a lot and promote a little. So as we jumped into new apps, And we jump into new seasons of our life. And we jump into new. Journeys. I want to remind you not to forget promoting. Building an audience of your true fans, building an audience of people who want to consume your content. Is the most important thing you can do as a creator? Building your audience of people who will show up at engage. Building your audience of people who will show up for you. Is an insanely valuable, valuable asset to have as a creator. So. Coming from my diaries this week, my challenge to myself and my challenge to you. Is to make sure that we're spending four times as much time promoting. All of the great work that we do. And not get stuck in this creation cycle of just creating, creating, creating, creating. Create one tip and go show it to millions of people. Create one blog post and go get millions of readers on it. Create one video and go get millions of audience or eyeballs on it. Right. Create one and go get a lot. Create one and go get a lot. That's my challenge to myself. And that's my challenge to you. I also want to share with you. That we've been doing a relatively large onboarding session for our community. We've had hundreds of new members join our discord. We've had over a thousand email addresses. Signed up to join our threads engagement groups and hang out with us and, and grow on threads. If that's of interest to you. You can join us in our discord community at When you join. Go in and open a support ticket. Tell them you were listening to the podcast. Ask for the support or roles that Gary sent me. And they'll get you the supporter role. They'll get you all set up in our community, the threads groups, right there, waiting on you. I'd love to connect with you. I'd love to see your introduction. In our own inductions channel. And I'd love to see you in some of our clubhouse rooms. You know, if you're looking for a community of creators that like to make money. Creators that like to create cool stuff, creators that are not afraid of some hard work. The creators that want to have a good time in the process, then we're the community for you. We have almost 3000 creators in our community. And we would love to meet you. So, thank you all so much. Like, this is my second session from my diary. It's a moment for me to kind of just talk about what's on my mind or. What I feel will help you. It's a moment where I don't have to worry about setting up a room on clubhouse or in discord or on spaces. It's a moment where I don't have to worry about building an audience. It's a moment where I can just set down. Or sometimes, honestly, I stand up and I move around because I get excited and just talk to you for a minute. So I hope you enjoy this. If you do, please subscribe to the show. Send it to a friend, one of the best things that you can do for us. It's taken an episode and send it to a friend and say, I think this will be valuable to you. A couple of previews of some of the stuff that's coming up on the show. Next couple of weeks, we have Russ Ruffino coming out. And then we have some big guests coming up. We have Chandler bolt. From self publishing school. We have Darryl Stinson. That's going to talk all about. Getting your own Ted talk. We have Steve Sims. Look when people say they know a guy that can make kind of any door in the world open, Steve is most commonly that guy that people know. We have Rob Moore, Robin, I go way back on clubhouse. He's interviewed Andrew Tate. He's got a Trump interview coming up. So we've got Rob Moore coming up in the studio. We've got Dylan. We've got Sean and we've got the points partner. So we have a full lineup coming up over the next several weeks. If you want to get in the studio, live with us, you want to be there live, and you want to meet all of our guests. Right? You want to be there live. You want to experience what it's like. To witness the recordings to interact with the guests. Hell maybe even get up on stage like a Sandra did. If that's what you want. And when you join our discord server, when you go to, Just tell them. Ask them for the supporter role. But tell him that you want to be a creator. To say I'm ready to be a creator. I want to join the studio. I want to be part of what you're building. I'll see you all inside a Garry club. Having an absolutely amazing day.

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