Creator Studio

E14: In The Studio With Rachel Miller

Gary Henderson

In today's episode, Gary is talking with Rachel Miller. 

Rachael Miller started out as a mommy blogger, is a mom to six kids, and is the person to know when it comes to building audiences and crafting viral content.

Right now, across all of her platforms, she has a total reach of around 21 million, and she has helped 57 other people get one post to reach 10 million potential customers. 

Listen in to learn Rachael's best tips on how to build an online audience and craft viral content.

In this episode, Rachael and Gary discuss topics such as:

  • How to get viral traffic without ads
  • How to grow your audience without ads
  • How to craft your social media posts to get attention
  • What engagements make a viral post happen (even with a small audience)
  • Best practices to use on Facebook and Instagram to get more traffic
  • How to sell after you go viral 
  • Ways to hack engagement
  • Why everybody can't be your person

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My name is Gary Henderson, and I built the creator studio to show you what's possible. Today we have Rachel Miller. I've gotten the chance to get to know Rachel. Wow for probably the past seven or eight years. And. It's been a fun journey. I'll say that I had an employee at one time. That interviewed for a job with Rachel as a marketing director while they still work for me. I've admired Rachel, from a distance. And I've gotten to spend a lot of time with Rachel. Over the years. I've watched her help people. Take. I don't know, common everyday things like. Cooking blogs or craft blogs and write, grow huge audiences and make a heck of a lot of money. And I've watched her take over. 50 posts and turn them viral. Over 50 viral posts for her clients. So go ahead and follow the show. And get ready let's jump right into the studio with rachel miller

Gary Henderson:

All right, everybody, welcome back into the studio. Today we have Rachel Miller. Um, I've known Rachel for a while and we've been kind of internet pals and we've ran into each other and we've been in a lot of the same circles. And Rachel did stuff that was just fascinating to me. She's helped 34 people get a single post on social media to over 10 million.

Rachel Miller:

Oh, we're at like 57 now.

Gary Henderson:

You're a 50, you need to update your website.

Rachel Miller:

We do, it's been a while.

Gary Henderson:

update your, like, 57 people get a single post to 10 million potential customers. Like, massive email list.

Rachel Miller:

that's reaching, I think, 13 million myself. I have one post right now at 13 million, current reach right now.

Gary Henderson:

That's so like we can go ahead and start right now by just dismissing the fact that like Facebook's dead, right?

Rachel Miller:

Yeah, I think we're, I think across my platforms we're reaching 21 million, but 13 million of it comes from one piece of content going viral right now, yes.

Gary Henderson:

Wow, that's insane. So Rachel Miller is kind of known for organic traffic She's known for being able to curate an audience whether it's on a blog or on social media move energy with those people and Monetize that audience sell digital products to that audience and then recently Rachel you've just launched your own Software and your own tech to help a lot of other people create their own digital products And I saw the other day you've helped like 650 or so people create their own products now.

Rachel Miller:

Well, we have 400 people in the community and of the 400 people in the community, actually at the time when I made that post, I think we had like 310 people in our community and of them, 344 products, sales pages, emails, and ad sets were made. So a lot of people made more than one.

Gary Henderson:

Wow, so your journey, like you, you started creating online and then now you're helping people make it way easier with software. So take me back to when you started, like what took you online?

Rachel Miller:

Um, I started online actually kind of from desperation. Sorry my phone went off. That was my alarm to join this and I just for some reason didn't turn it off. So I decided I wanted to say hi again. Um, yeah, I started online as a stay at home mom when I was forced to, uh, move home. I, I had, um, I'd gotten pregnant while I was on maternity leave from teaching, and so that was a little bit of a shock. And I, it's crazy, most employers don't really want somebody who's pregnant. Twice in a year. Um, so that was kind of the end of that, that career and while I felt like I was fired I realized, I mean, I quit because they encouraged me to quit because it wasn't fair to them, which I totally understand But it felt like I was fired at the time. So I came home just despondent like my life was over It wasn't true. That was, I can't, I'm melodramatic all the time I came home and I hadn't really, I didn't really want to be a stay at home mom and um Suddenly my income had decreased and I, um, was only talking to toddlers all the time. And so, my life was just kind of a little, like, not pleasant. Does that make sense? Like, I'd walk outside the door and my car's transmission was broken and I'd have to walk by my car that was sitting in the driveway that I couldn't drive because I didn't have money to fix it, because I didn't have a job, because I had two kids. And so, it was just a little, just an awkward stage of life. And so, my husband came home one day and said, I think you should start a website. And I think he meant more like those web communities. Um, so they've got at the time there were these like chat threads and these chat communities and like people would get on Facebook and they'd talk about their blog posts. And so my husband wanted me to like have some type of connection with adults, um, while still being at home. And from that, connection. I started a website and I started like blog commenting on each other's blogs and then I paid attention to what gets traffic, what gets conversions and next thing you know, I grew my website to getting 10 million page views a month and I built another website and I got it up to 4 million page views a month in its heyday. Then I built a third website and got it up to like four or five million page views a month. And, um, no one even knew my face at this time. So all of my businesses that I had running then, and they actually are all still running today, no one knew my face. Um, and then once I got the traffic, then it was, okay, how do I monetize this traffic? Because I've got this massive now media company, and I mean, we were bigger than Disney. Like literally our website was getting, beating out Disney in all the children's spaces online. Um, in the children and parenting niche. And so we were like, now that we have this audience and we're literally beating out Disney, what should we do with it to monetize it? So we became, we started publishing books. We started creating lead magnets, um, to grow our list. We grew our list to hundreds and hundreds of thousands. We created like little teaser products. We created a membership to like coloring pages. We created a lot of different assets that we, um, that are still actually running today that we still earn money from today, um, a decade later. And then I got bored with that, you know, and my kids, they stopped wanting to be pictured in Play Doh. And so they were like, mom, we really don't want it. Part of this anymore. And so then we, I pivoted because it was more of a kid's site to teaching other people how to grow audiences themselves and monetize those audiences. And, um, about, actually not about, I looked it up this morning. So, uh, 606 days ago I realized a trend with all the people that I'd coached. So I had ended up coaching about 27, 000 people at that time. We're now up to like 28. Um, 27, 000 businesses. And in coaching those businesses I saw a trend. A lot of them could follow my content plan and get attention to their business, but they'd stop. And where they would stop is... Because it was just so dang hard. What I mean by that is you have to make the sales page, then you have to make the emails, then you have to make the ads, then you have to hook them all up. And then you find out that actually, they didn't like that lead magnet, they wanted those other lead magnets. So now you make another lead magnet, and you make another sales page, you make another hookup, and the tech, and then you have to make social media posts to promote that lead magnet, you make a reel, you make a video, you make a, a photo post, you make a conversation, you have this conversation back and forth, and next thing you know, you're spending so much time building this crap, and... It's all like a gamble. Like, of the products that I built for that site that had 10 million, we had to make like, I think it was like 40 products to see which ones they, people would want to buy. It's not like they bought the first one I ever made, guys. Like, they didn't buy the first 10 I made. We, they started buying them after like the 13th. And then the 13th one wasn't even that great of sales. I didn't know that it wasn't great sales until I was on to like number 20. So my point is, You have to have a lot of like tests, but if you have to do all of this tech, it's really hard to test quickly with your audience. And so we created a software product, um, that uses AI that will help people test so they can build products. In 15 minutes and be up and testing by tomorrow.

Gary Henderson:

It's so you, you actually did the work. You went out and built multiple websites that got millions and millions of visitors and you made

Rachel Miller:

Oh yeah, no, we've done very, very well for

Gary Henderson:

Um, you know,

Rachel Miller:

I, I, um, we've, I, I actually, I'm probably very different from most people in the marketing space as in I never bought a bigger house. I didn't change my standard of living. We just bought car washes and apartment complexes and then donated a fair bit of the money as well. Yes, we're, we're very grateful for all that our audience had brought to us.

Gary Henderson:

I love that. And then you went on to teach others how to do the same thing that you did right by helping and empowering others to go create content. And generate audience. And then you notice this big challenge, right? They kind of hit a wall. They, they got the audience, but they didn't make the money that you made. And you were, you know, buying these car washes and donating and they

Rachel Miller:

was so frustrating to teach them

Gary Henderson:

So you went and

Rachel Miller:

me a lot of money to teach them and I felt like I was letting them down because they couldn't hook up their PayPal or because they made the button on their ClickFunnels site and the button didn't click and they didn't know what they did. And I'm like, I'm not your tech person. I can't help you with that. I can't help you and the 75 other million people with all of their funnel issues and all of the. Well now your email, you changed the time on the email and the email link goes out and it has the wrong link and now you have to go, how do you undo the fact that it, that email went out with the wrong link? Like all of those things, isn't there just a simple way where if the email link is changed in one place, it changes everywhere? That's kind of where I was at, like there has to be an easier way.

Gary Henderson:

yeah, I can 1 million percent relate to that with what we built here. So how was your, how was the transition for you going from teacher to SaaS

Rachel Miller:

Ha ha! Okay, ha! Okay! Do you remember when I said, when I made my first, uh, products for Quirky Mama, and for every business, actually, all of my businesses, they all fail, the first products? Okay, so I had the idea 606 days ago, and I tried to like... What we've all done, right? Where we go on and we get a funnel software, and we make templates, and we try to use the templates to do it. Then I use, like, can a spreadsheet fill the template out faster? How can I make these Canva templates that I use the same Canva over and over again? Okay, that's taken too long to edit every single thing. Maybe if I did it in Figma. So how many, anybody else like try to like duct tape 15 software things together to make your business work? Just me?

Gary Henderson:

Yeah, hit the chat and let her know. I know it's definitely me. I do that all the time.

Rachel Miller:

it was, it was interesting. Anyways, so, um, I tried for the first six months duct taping it together. And then the next six months I hired an agency. How many of you guys thought, I'm not the expert. I need to hire an expert to do it for me. Yeah, I did that. Um, the problem with an agency, I don't, I don't think this is necessarily all agencies. An agency's motivated for itself. How can it deliver enough to make you happy and make a profit off of you, right? So I, it's like if there's a middleman instead of just. So the agency gave me like the bare minimum and I didn't realize it was the bare minimum until I tried putting it together and it didn't work. So six months after that, I built my own team. And so for the last year, um, we have a team of eight developers and they have coded it from the ground up. The cool thing, because it's coded from the ground up, it does exactly what I need it to, which is, When I change the button in one place, it changes it everywhere. When I change the price in one place, it changes it everywhere. And now, instead of it taking hours for me to create a product, I can say, I want this product to be 13. I want the buttons to be these. I want this color palette. Click. I want it to be this topic. Click. And all I have to do is upload like my, about me has saved. So I don't have to recreate that. Anytime I make a new product, the same speaker comes up and the same comes up. I don't have to. Think about it. And it goes into the product and says, okay, if this is what the product is, what social media should I have for that? Okay. Here's a list of 30 different suggestions that would promote that social, that product for you. So I don't have to like come up with the social to match the product and the ad to match the product and the email to match the product and the colors to match the product. So the ad has colors and the sales page has colors. Anybody else do this where they had pink. At one time and then they're like, oh now we're gonna go to blue And they have to change the blue in all the places because you hate pink now like okay. That was just me So I can change it in one place and be like, oh, yeah, and then it changes it everywhere So for me, I wanted a simple way For us to build our products. We were actually building this because my blogs Okay, six years ago. We wrote the majority of our products seven years ago, and they were selling really well But they started to look really ugly and really dated and like the the product Had the wrong formatting. You know, the internet from seven years ago. It's like a lifetime ago. You kind of have to update it. Right. And so this came because 606 days ago, we said we need to update our products. And I went in to update them and I was like, Oh, this is going to be so much work. Isn't there a way I could just do this once and it does it for everything. And that's when we built it because I was not going to. I just had no patience to sit there and change every single little thing. Um, and so we built it with an, uh, ourselves trying to duct tape at first. And that was just not working very well. And cause again, I didn't want to rebuild every single product. I wanted a one button way to rebuild 27 products. Um, and then the next thing that we tried was an agency. And like I said, an agency just, they kind of cut corners because it, um, and we wanted it. And so then I hired my own developers to build it first for us, because we wanted it for all of our blogs. So I actually run with my business partner. I think we have seven different websites, and between the seven websites we probably have, oh, 40 or 50 digital products, like lead magnets. sales, like different things that we're promoting. So she's got coloring pages on one side, recipes on one side. I've got a camping planner on one side. We've got a cleaning planner. We got a, we've got my, how to be a better marketer planners. So we wanted to have a place where we could update all of those at one time and not have to. Rebuild everything and um, we built it first for us. And when we build it for us, then other people started using it and okay Software is also really buggy. The way we use it was really different from the way our customers use it. So in January Um this last January I was like it's done. We are using it We we rolled it out to our businesses. It works Yahoo! And then we let other people in and they're like That button, it does what? Like, I don't, that's not what that button should do. And we're like, oh, well, we thought the button should do that. So it was kind of like having to like, Learn what, how other people use something and so we, we've built it again, like not built it again, but we've, we fixed it from January to now so that, um, average people could understand the software that we built and now somebody can build a product in under 15 minutes typically.

Gary Henderson:

I'm laughing because when you said that you use stuff differently, we have a similar phase in and roll out schedule here where we roll it out to different segments and we'll roll it out to one segment and I'll get it right and then we'll roll it out to another segment and we rolled out something and we have this word it's called mutable and we wrote it out and I got multiple messages from multiple people. Does this mean I can create mutants of what I'm creating? What is this word mutable? It's not in the documentation anywhere. And I'm like, oh, it just means it can't be changed. It's, it's either mutable or immutable. Oh, I understand now. So I can still relate. And I'm like, it made so much sense

Rachel Miller:

I see them! Don't you see the three dots? Anyway, so now

Gary Henderson:

are the three dots?

Rachel Miller:

to, to basically make it where it's, it's scalable. And, and I do believe it's scalable now. We've gotten all of the big bugs out, so now we're doing things like making it an editable PDF. Like, I've always wanted my PDFs to be something someone could save on their iPad, and instantly like, write into the PDF with their like iPad device, and it saves on... The PDF, like we're able to now make it do those things. I wanted to have a video embedded into my PDFs. Like, why can't we open the PDF and it kind of works like a course? Well, you can with tech, um, but not when I'm using somebody else's tool. I had to make my own tool to kind of make it happen the way I want it to. So now we're going to add those fun bells and whistles.

Gary Henderson:

I love that. So it almost sounds like you've got a great solution for someone who wants to grow a great audience. You've got a great solution for someone who has an audience and needs to monetize the audience with your products. And then you've got a great solution for someone who maybe is just sitting here and they're saying I want to do something online. Maybe they're like you. And they're they're put into a situation that they don't necessarily want to go back into the to the job and they're kind of forced out and or maybe they're just scared of their employment. They're sitting there and they're saying, man, with Rachel system, I could learn how to create my own traffic. I could then monetize my traffic using her AI software to build my own products. And I could have this all up and running relatively quickly. Is that right?

Rachel Miller:

love their audience with no barriers. So a lot of times. I've seen the people that I coached build an audience and then start to hate that audience because as the audience asked for different resources, that creating those resources was a lot of work. So they would have to design the PDF. They'd have to write the copy that would go into the PDF. They'd have to like research the trends to even come up with what that content should be. Then they would have to create the sales page, then the emails. And by the time they're done with that, They hate it. And the person who asked for that product probably found it somewhere else and they don't even care anymore. So, I wanted a way to keep their love of the audience. And I think the reason why people fell out of love with their people was because it was too much work to maintain that attention. And if we can make The, the hurdles to keeping attention away, that'll mean that you get to have real conversations with your people. That means you get to show up and have Facebook lives or meetings like this, where people get to hear your voice and talk to you and connect with you. And I think it's going to make your impact stronger. And, um, That's, that's, that's why I was so excited when I saw A. I. And I was like, A. I. is going to fix this for me. But I think it's going to let me stay in love with my audience more. But I think it's going to let everybody else stay in love with their audience more too.

Gary Henderson:

I love that. And I'm glad you brought up AI. So cool. Transcribed I've seen a lot of coaches kind of get scared. I've seen a lot of entrepreneurs get

Rachel Miller:

I'm not embracing it the way everybody

Gary Henderson:

like you're really embracing it. Where do you think

Rachel Miller:

how many of you that are listening got like, Here's a thousand prompts to help you with your social media, and you're like, awesome. I got these prompts. I put them in, they work, they're great. Now I have to format that post. And you're like, ha ha. So what I did is I created a spreadsheet with 7,000 different post ideas based on AI prompts, and now, I have no clue what the heck I should do with any of that crap. So for me, it's so much, it almost increased the digital horde. It didn't actually solve my problem. I think AI, a lot of the AI tools out there, they don't make it functionally usable to the user. It just gives more clutter. It just gives more prompts. It just gives more results or responses. It doesn't give you it packaged up together. in a way that now you can take it and instantly apply it and use it in your business. So, um, Ali just said she loved my spreadsheets. I love the spreadsheet too, but like you still have to take that spreadsheet and go, okay, how do I format this into an ad? How do I post that as an ad? Where do I connect that to the product? It doesn't say the same thing as to what my product is. So now I have to rewrite my product to make it match. I have to make the email and the ad match. When one email is talking about one thing and the ad is talking about another thing, so I have to kind of, instead, why don't we just make it the same? So I think what AI, I think the future of AI is using it in a streamlined way where AI is now functionally usable. Not, not here's content for you, but here is your content plan filled out. All you have to do is hit publish and it puts it on Facebook for you. And then you can decide where you want to schedule it. Like you don't have to do all of the connecting, all the pieces.

Gary Henderson:

I think it's brilliant. Um, you know, and I agree. I've never been a fan of these million prompts or something. We're using AI in a pretty unique way here. We have it. We found that if you put in a little bit of work every day and you show up and create a little content every day that you've got a better chance of success. So every day, all of our creators, they can fill out a little form. We call it proof of work. We asked them a couple of questions. We asked them if they grew their audience today, yes or no. Did they make money today? Yes or no. We asked them what they did. They just choose whatever they want. And then we asked them how hard they worked today in intensity. Was it a one to a five? They hit the submit button. We give them rewards. We then use AI to interpret their results and acknowledge and coach and motivate them when we send their rewards. So they get an email that's all customized to them. Powered by chat GPT for the very similar approach, right? Like how do we make it functional and how do we take their inputs and customize it into their outputs and make them motivated to show up and work the

Rachel Miller:

where the sales page it's already filled out. Like you don't have to. You're like, here's a list of head prompts that make your headlines. Well, that's great. Here's a list of prompts that make your your benefits well, what if you just say one prompt and it gives you your headlines and your benefits and your Pictures and your product and your emails and your ads so then it takes all that 15 minute work out

Gary Henderson:

I love that. So.

Rachel Miller:


Gary Henderson:

giving them a simple form. They're filling it out and it's creating the sales page for them. Can they customize it and edit?

Rachel Miller:

I wanted it to be, like, my niche is, um, keto meal plans. My son has epilepsy, so we've been researching keto meal plans for epilepsy. So my website is keto meal plans for epilepsy. And I type that in, and it creates the meal plans, it creates the website, it creates the emails, it creates the ads, based on what AI says people are looking for with Keto and Epilepsy. But then, you can still go in and edit it, because, like, it's still not gonna be perfect, it's AI, but, so you can go in and edit it, and say, okay, actually, this is something that's only relevant to adults with Keto, with Epilepsy, so we need to tweak it a little bit so it's for children, um, who have Keto plans for Epilepsy. Um, you could hit regenerate

Gary Henderson:

And then can you go back and just kind of tweak it and hit the regenerator? Do you go in and edit it manually from

Rachel Miller:

for you to post, yeah.

Gary Henderson:

It's like, it takes, you could have an idea and say, I'm going to go live on Facebook or wherever, and you could go and use your software and have a product created within like 15 minutes of going live and like.

Rachel Miller:

Most people are,

Gary Henderson:

buying the products? Like I know they're getting them creative, but are you getting transactions on the other side?

Rachel Miller:

99 and pay for their ad expenses. Um, but most people are using them just as a lead magnet. So, um, last night, uh, David is one of our, our people and members, and he had 250 leads sign up on his. He's got a, formerly known as Purple in the Weight Watchers meal plan. So it's like a Weight Watchers meal plan, but he customizes his to the Purple people. I don't understand anything about that, um, but he knows what that means. And, um, and his people know what the Purple Weight Watchers mean. And so he has, um, the purple and green plans. And, um, he was able to get 250 people on his email list with his purple weight buttress plan. I want the purple stuff. I have no clue what the purple stuff is. I need to open his book and see, but it's something about losing weight and a meal plan.

Gary Henderson:

That's really cool though. So he was able to get 250 leads. So it's coming to life for people. They're, they're creating, they're, they're using the traffic. They're, um, they're good to go. What?

Rachel Miller:


Gary Henderson:

What are you going to create next with the software? Do you have, like, do you have a vision? Do you have some challenges you want to overcome in the future?

Rachel Miller:

that people are. I want to make it easier for people to get into other people's, into other people's inboxes. So I want to make it where if you want to be a coach and you want to have coaching calls, not only can you get the planner, but you can give the planner to your people. You can upsell them into the coaching or even just sell the coach, the planner for 89 and includes a coaching call. And then while they fill out the planner, it saves the results for you. So you get, so when they fill out the PDF, It saves the results for you in our back end. So now when you start your consulting call or you start your freelance thing, you open it up and they already have everything that they are looking for from you. And it sends it into a database that then you can maybe even attach AI to it and say, okay, they filled out the social media plan and I'm a social media content freelancer manager and I'll go into their accounts and I'll manage their accounts for them as a freelancer. They filled out their content of what they're looking for from me. I take that, I, I have the call set up for them on Friday. I take that, I send it off to AI with one button click, and then I'm able to then give my clients, here's a potential content plan, would you like me to start implementing this for you next week? Um, that to me... AI can do all of that. Um, so I see this as not only being like lead magnets, but almost being like their business VA, ultimately. Now, that's like at least a year and a half out. Um, that, that tool, like PDFs, we have to, we have to kind of hack PDFs to do some things. Um, but there's no reason why a lead magnet can't be so much more interactive than what it is right now. And that we can't use lead magnets as a way to, To grow our coaching business and, um, grow our memberships, grow our offers, grow our deal plans for crying out loud. There's so many things we can do with them. Um, when you combine. Yes, with AI, with a human, and that human, I'm going to meet with you, I'm going to be your freelancer, I'm going to do these, be your employee, be, um, there's so much we can do with that, with that human element as well.

Gary Henderson:

I think it's really,

Rachel Miller:


Gary Henderson:

what you're doing. Um, I think being able to play with the PDFs. I don't know if you saw the Apple update yesterday. Did you see their new announcement yesterday? No, so you go check it out because the new iOS has PDFs built in and they're going to analyze

Rachel Miller:

Okay, that's exactly what we wanted, and if they already have that, then we're so much

Gary Henderson:

Automatically native in the app or in the iPhone or on the iOS.

Rachel Miller:

and make, Um, like a PDF, not just a lead magnet, make a lead magnet so much more oomph in it.

Gary Henderson:

Yeah, so they said, you know, they specifically talked about a type of file called a PDF and talked about all the ways that we handle PDFs. And all the information about PDFs. And it was a huge focus in their keynote yesterday. So that may be really, really exciting to you because that may streamline a lot of what you're trying to build. Um, Um, I have like, if someone's listening today, one of our goals is to help creators see what's possible. Where do they start? If they want to, like, if they're sitting there and they've never built an online business before, they've never created an audience before. What do they do to get started today, Rachel?

Rachel Miller:

They can ask that person what kind of problems they have. They can create lead magnets to solve those problems. They can create, like, mini products that make a difference and impact in their lives. But the first thing they need to know, to do, is know who their person is. And it can't be everybody. It's got to be kind of boiled down to this is the specific type of person that I help. So in my, my site, um, Quirky Mama, the person that I specifically help is a mom with at least two preschoolers. So it's somebody who has multiple kids that are young. That's my perfect person. Um, the person who, um, in my DIY home site, the person who I have as my perfect person there is somebody who's low middle class income and is a parent and, um, usually a parent of some kids that are like elementary age and older. They're they're usually a first home buyer so they bought a home, but they still have a mortgage. That's my perfect person I know a lot about what they think what they want what they're like looking into. That's who my perfect person is in my My marketing site. It's typically a person Late 30s to early 40s or late 40s and they're actually actually late 50s So that's the age range and they're usually their kids are high schooler or even they're beginning their first Looking forward to the first grandchild. They're in that stage Their kids are kind of starting to leave and they're looking for something that gives them value. Um, so in every single one I can and I call that person grandma even though they're not typically a grandma yet But they're on the cusp of grandmotherhood I call that's that's who we talk to that's that's my avatar Um, so in each one, I have a very specific person. Now, in, say, like, my marketing business, um, where, Moola, where I teach grandma, I attract everybody. I attract people who are 25 and they're starting their business for the first time, and they just are overwhelmed by tech. I attract someone who has been a grandma for decades and now is It's great grandma, and she's 67, and she's starting her business for the first time, and since she's retired and she now wants extra income. Like that, I attract both people, but I talk primarily to my perfect person. Yeah, if you can talk for your audience, then you can become the person

Gary Henderson:

love that. So just know your audience and then start creating content. Is it that

Rachel Miller:

who they are. So like think of the memes that you last interacted with, like that you clicked on and said thumbs up, I love this one. Um, that meme, the reason why you thumbed up it and said, oh, I like that, I think it's great. That's because it spoke to who you identify as. Once you know who your person is, you can identify Content that makes them say heck yeah, that's me girl. Um in my uh, In my food one of my food sites. I guys I collect i'm a got abd Which means I basically start a new business and I collect businesses and I collect like a lot of businesses So I probably have like nine businesses, but I have them grouped into like three different eins And I'm talking about this, I've done this multiple times in multiple niches and in one of my businesses We have one right now about how like butter makes my love handles sexier or something Um, and it's going crazy Why because they're like they're people who've tried diets and they're like screw it. I don't care anymore about my love handles I'm loving them and i'm gonna love my butter and bring it on they're identifying as i'm sexy even with my butter Um, I know that they're gonna love I'm not, I'm not for the dieters and in that, in that niche. So I know if I make a meme, I know what's going to make their hearts feel loved, feel this is who I am, feel like I'm in the right spot. Um, and so I create content based on each persona as to What that person wants the most and it's I'm sexy even with my better I can't remember the meme off the top of my head because I didn't actually create it I have a team that that makes my content for me at this point so I can build my software company But they they made it and that's the post that right now is is reaching 13 million people in the last like three days

Gary Henderson:

Wow. And your software, like

Rachel Miller:


Gary Henderson:

everything you're doing with

Rachel Miller:

we're not at

Gary Henderson:

to be quite pricey to, to get started with

Rachel Miller:

it. Um, I bought my house for 286, 000 before the market, like, spiked. So, like, I bought my house for 286, 000 and I have spent almost 400, 000 on this. I know. Yeah. First off, I think I can make 400, 000 just

Gary Henderson:

you. Wow. So you took a like considerable investment. That's how much you believe in this.

Rachel Miller:

than I did, um, with any of the, for sure. Like, I, I can't not make 400k off of just using it myself. So, I built it, like, I, there's no way I couldn't make my money back just for me. But then in addition to that, letting other people use it, I can't imagine that I couldn't make that money back. Um, but, yeah, so, yeah, it took, cost 400k. Thankfully, I, we didn't have to bring on any investment partners. We didn't have to get a business loan, although we might in the next couple weeks, um, because we only have like, I think 400 people on it right now. And we, frankly, we need like 1100 to, to make bills pay. We, or I need to sell more on my own websites, which we will, like it just takes time to get them all up. Um, or get traffic to them, essentially. Yeah, so, um, I know I'll make back that 400K in my own audience or with users, and, um, but we did it without having to get a bill with a loan, without having investors, and just so you guys know, that's very, very, very unusual in the software market. And that's because I was able to have enough revenue coming in from my other businesses that basically they funded it this this past year. Um, one thing to know is that if I did it all over again, I think I could build the entire thing for under 200k. So I think I paid double, but I paid double to learn what not to do and to make some really expensive mistakes. Um, like hiring the wrong person, hiring an agency that charged me way up the wazoo and didn't deliver, you know, like all of those things. I didn't know what I was doing, and so I paid the stupid tax. But when you pay the stupid tax, you learn what not to do, and you don't do it anymore, and you grow. So, anybody else pay the stupid tax? It's just me. Um, so, yeah, I don't think, I, I think I overpaid, but, um, I needed to go through that process.

Gary Henderson:

So to use the software as a user, is this like premium pricing? Are we paying like a grand a month? Two grand a month? Or is it like accessible for everybody?

Rachel Miller:

product. They're building the same thing and they are charging people 2, 699 to create it for them. So if they want to have a funnel made it's 2, 699 and they're doing the same thing with AI. Now, I'm sure theirs will do it better or have more customizations or something We're charging 27 a month total you can have as many products. I think you have up to 25 products for 27

Gary Henderson:

27 a month per product though, right?

Rachel Miller:

I don't want to be the person like, okay, I've, I've cost, I charged people a thousand dollars for

Gary Henderson:

not thousands of dollars. This is really.

Rachel Miller:

in coaching and they didn't get results. And I almost feel. Like, not that I stole from them, because I did coach them, and a lot of them, like, I got rave reviews, guys, so it's not, but at the same time, I had a hard time sleeping at night knowing that when they left my coaching call, they didn't have the tools that they needed to actually get shit done. And so, and I'm sorry, I don't typically swear, ever, but at the same time, I was like, so looking back, my ultimate goal is to change someone's life with 27 instead of 1, 000, and instead of helping 27, 000 people, pay me 1, 000. to help 27, 000 people with 27 a month make an impact on so many more people's lives. So our, I, I'm done with the high ticket scam. I don't, I don't know if it, I don't know if you do a high ticket, like I'm, I'm, I'm cheering on the people because not everyone's a scam, but I just didn't feel right. My heart, this is when like inflation was going up and things were happening. I was like, I can't, I just had a hard time sleeping at night with a thousand dollar price points that I was charging people. So I canceled all my coaching clients and I said, we're done. I don't feel right because you're not going to actually make all these funnels that you need to. You, you're not, you're not empowered. So instead I'm going to stop charging this. I literally, you can't even hire me to coach, coach people. Now I don't do it because I just don't, I need to sleep at night and. 27 a month anyone can afford and anyone can pick themselves up off the bootstraps and say I'm gonna I'm gonna make something of myself So I'm very adamant about the price point actually I fought with a lot of people about that one

Gary Henderson:

I love the price point and I watched in the chat, everybody's saying like, wow, wow, wow. They, I think we all had an expectation that it was going to be more. And I think that for 27 a month, it's really hard to get like a landing page builder these days for 27 a month. It's really hard to get like tech that actually functions these days. So I think that like whether you're using it for landing pages or you want to create your own, um, you know, eventual products that you'll sell or tripwires or any of this. I think it's just a great opportunity to try it out. Like I looked at landing page software the other day and I think lead pages is like 250, 300 a month right now.

Rachel Miller:

I live in the same house and everything else I My neighbors could not afford my coaching, and that's not cool. Um, so I needed a way that I could help the average person, who was me, and who was like everybody, and do it with, in a way that I could sleep at night. So, with power of AI, AI, Cheap. Believe it or not, running stuff through an AI is like the engine to run the AI. Um, it's not very expensive. So, knowing that AI is cheap, software should become cheaper for users, not become more expensive. That's my personal philosophy, so. And no, I do not take crypto, unfortunately. At this time, we only take Stripe. Um, after we fix a lot of our other bugs, maybe we can work on another payment system form, but right now we just... We're working on other bugs. Oh, and it is buggy, y'all. So you're coming in at 27 a month and know it. We'll have a bug. Or three. Guaranteed.

Gary Henderson:

Listen to our stuff. They're used to having some bugs. We build live and we ship fast. Um, so, and we deal with the blockchain when we build. So we have a whole different level of of issues because we're dealing with a live blockchain in the middle of our build. So they're used to the bugs, but like. That's my goal with, with this show. That's my goal with the time we spend together here is to show creators what's possible. And I think that you did that. I think showing a creator

Rachel Miller:

start your own

Gary Henderson:

you can become a creator, you can start writing content based on things that you enjoy. You can monetize that content. And then if you want, you can even start your own software

Rachel Miller:

And you can combine Bubble. io with like Airtable and with spreadsheets, with chat GPT spreadsheets. And you could zap it all together. You, you could build your own software company. But if you're like one of those people who's like, look, I just want the easy button for 27 bucks a month, that's who I am. But you could also go and build your same thing similar to mine. And I would love to empower people to do that. Like anything you guys want or any questions you have, I would totally support you.

Gary Henderson:

Well, you've got to have the audience first, though, because as you're seeing now, it's, it's, you've got great software. I see the same thing and we've got to get more eyeballs on it. So spending the time using your software, even if you're going to go create your own tech or whatever, I just, I think there's no such thing as too many eyeballs. And I think people just like to get little products and they like to get wins. So if you can

Rachel Miller:

ultimately you're

Gary Henderson:

create a new product or a new lead magnet or something like that, you 20 bucks, but give it away for free,

Rachel Miller:

I'm gonna

Gary Henderson:

I just think it shortcuts so much

Rachel Miller:

make it in Canva and make it prettier and add extra bells and whistles And make your extra photos or whatever you want to do to it make a course to go along with it So I see this kind of as your stepping stone. I'm on Facebook. You can just message me as Rachel Miller. I'm on Facebook I'm the girl with the huge hair. I guess you can't see because I've never really updated

Gary Henderson:

I think it's perfect. So if our audience wants to connect with you, it's, it's busy.

Rachel Miller:

I'm on Discord just mostly as a user. So, uh, so this is new for me. But yeah, if you find me on Facebook, it's Rachel Miller. And I've got massive hair, so you'll be able to find the girl with massive hair.

What a great session with Rachel Miller. One thing that I know is Rachel knows how to make money. And this new software that she created, I think would be an amazing opportunity. If you're looking to put a lot of stuff out on the shelf, a lot of products. Right. A lot of lead magnets. And if you want to move fast. What I know about Rachel is she's creative. She makes it simple and easy. And it converts. So when I hear creative, simple, and easy and converts. And I hear her focus right now on the lead gen side. The. The free download sides. And I saw her sheriff heard, I guess her share. Um, I'll tell you a secret. I had a little preview of this a while back too, so I've seen a bunch of it too. But anyway, the EAs. Of being able to write the copy and roll this out. System-wide. I just think that's magical. So I hope you enjoyed our session with Rachel today. We have a lot of guests coming up. Um, let me give you a preview of what's coming up over the next couple of weeks. So we have Rob Moore coming in Rob's interview people like Andrew Tate. I think he's got a interview with Trump coming up. He's had. Um, Jordan Peterson on these podcasts, we've got. Who else is coming up? Chandler bolt is coming into the studio. So we have Chandler bolt. He has a self publishing school. Self publishing school is. They've been doing like million dollar months. We have Steve Sims. Coming up, Steve is. When people say they know a guy that can kind of get you in anywhere you want to go. Steve's that guy that gets you in anywhere you want to go. So we got Steve coming in. We've got the points partner coming in, um, being able to fly for free on airplanes. Put you in first class for free. Learning how to do that, I think is really cool for creators. So when you fly, you fly over, like in style. Lots of guests coming in. Subscribe to the show. And I'd love to invite you to come into our community and join us. You know, I'd love to get you into the studio when we're recording live. I'd love to introduce you to all of our guests and. Look, wherever 3000 creators. Right. Over 3000 creators in our community. So I'm going to give you two paths to join us. Every morning. Monday through Friday at 8:00 AM. We're on clubhouse. So, if you don't know clubhouse, it's a social audio app. You can download it in the app store. Set up a profile and look for Gary club. When you do, you'll see a room right there every Monday through Friday at 8:00 AM and come in and join us. We have a creator mastermind for people, just like you. Then you can also come into our discord. It's So will bring you right into our discord community. And you can come say hi and introduce yourself. And then we would all love to meet you. So follow the show, join us at 8:00 AM. Monday through Friday for a creator mastermind. And go to to join our discord community

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