Creator Studio

Studio Diaries - Treat People The Way They Want To Be Treated

Gary Henderson

I'm sure you have heard of or might be familiar with the old golden rule, "Treat others the way they want to be treated," but what if this is the worst way to go about it?  What if people don't want to be treated like you do? What if they want something completely different?

This week in the Studio Diaries, I want to propose an alternative strategy to this old saying and discuss a better way to build healthy and strong relationships with the people you care about. 

"Don't treat people the way you want to be treated. Treat people the way they want to be treated."

Click the play button and listen in to open your minds to a new way of building relationships. 

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My name is Gary Henderson, and I built a creator studio to show you what's possible. So I'm going to talk about building relationships for a bit. Like we live in a pretty transactional world. Where there's a lot of quid pro quo. There's a lot of, will you do this for me if I do this for you, but I want to. Propose an alternative to. Her normal relationship building strategy. I want to propose that you. Figure out who you want to build relationships with and you genuinely do what you think they would enjoy, what you think that they would like. What you think would make them feel good? What you think would make them feel. Um, appreciated, respected, loved, whatever those, those feelings are that you're trying to entice. Now, I'm going to ask that you do this not. To get what you want in return, but to truly build a relationship. So when you build a relationship, people want stuff. And when you're able to give people what they want. They're more likely to give you back what you want. Not because there's a reciprocal effect of quid pro quo. Not because you negotiated it, but because they actually desire it and want it. So a couple of real quick stories for you. When I go and I'm a guest on someone's podcast. So when I'm a guest on your podcast, I'm going to bring my audience. They're going to show up. They're going to watch the show. They're going to listen. And more times than not, especially on, look, if you're kidding, like 20, 50, a hundred thousand downloads per episode, I'm probably not going to make an impact. But if you're smaller than that, I'm going to make a pretty big impact on your audience. And I'm going to bring you a new segment of community that you've never met before. And that's what I know podcast want. So when I become a guest, I do my best to bring audience and reach and exposure points. That's me building a relationship. Now I'm not going to them and saying, oh, you didn't promote this enough. All you didn't do this or all you didn't do that. I'm just trying to do my job without any worry of what they do. Because I want to be known of man Gary's episodes. They always had the biggest crowd. If I'm a guest in your, in your Twitter spaces or your. Um, clubhouse rooms or wherever I'm going to bring an audience with me. If I go and I'm a guest at your AMA, I was in AMA gas last night with JB. And his discord. I brought an audience with me half the room. There was draft. Right. So building a relationship. Is not about asking. It's not about negotiating. It's about listening. And observing. And figuring out what someone desires. And when you're able to figure that out. You just work to give it to them. And when you do. What you'll notice happens. Is if they want to build a relationship with you. Then you'll notice they start to do the same thing back. And if they don't. Then they may not be the right person for you to build a relationship with in the first place. So I just wanted to give you a little bit of a relationship advice. And this works in all types of relationships. Business and personal and. Intimate and friendships. But, you know, they, everyone says, you know, treat people. How they want to be true or how you want to be treated. Sorry, treat others how you want to be treated. And I don't agree with that. I think you should treat others the way that they want to be treated. And I think if you take the time to observe to listen, You'll figure out what they want and when you give them what they want. The relationship will be stronger than anything you've ever seen before. Where, if you treat people how you want to be treated. Look. Men want to be respected. Women want to be loved. So if I go out and I show a bunch of respect to a woman and I'm not loving her, that's not going to be a win. Right. My wife wants to be loved. I want to be respected. I love to be loved. But I want to be respected. We have different wants, needs, and desires. So rather than treating people the way that we want to be treated. Let's hope that people treat us the way we want to be treated. Let's treat people the way they want to be treated. And when we flip that around. Just watch what happens to your relationships? Good. Give the show follow. Come to Join us in our community. I'd love to see you. I'd love to say hi. And if you're looking for a way to get to know me a little bit better. He hit me up on X. So go to X search for Gary Henderson. I'm a giraffe and hit the subscribe button. So once you follow hit the pink subscribe button. I share pictures of food and I share audio notes and it's a really nice way for us to connect in a small setting. There's only a small number of subscribers there. And I see every notification that pops up there. So I'd love to see you subscribe on X. I'd love to see you subscribe to the show. And I'd love to see you in our discord. And remember. Don't treat people the way that you want to be treated. Treat them the way that they want to be treated.

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